Volume 4 (No safe Haven)

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When the Grimm showed up from the mist and walked before them. Ren watched him with hate in his face. The Nuckelavee's fingers twitched and then he roared loudly. It looked to the group and then to Qrow and Arion who were still leaning beneath the tree. Jaune saw that, laid his weapon back and ran to them suporrting Qrow, but Arion managed weakly to stand up.  The Grimm ran to them to attack, but suddenly stopped and looked confused searching around. Ren used his Semblance to hid them from the Grimm.

Ren: Just get him to safety!

Jaune and Arion nodded each other and brought him to a safe spot. Jaune just wanted go back to the others, but Qrow holded his arm as he wanted to say something but passed out. When Jaune ran, Arion took his phial with the antidote and opened it. But the antidote reached for one person. He looked to the group and Qrow. Then he let out a sight.

Arion: Sorry, Qrow. This will taste really bad. Don't even dare to spill it out. *influced the antidote into his mouth, because he was very little awake* So, now rest. I'm going to help them. 

While he found an another spot, he musted close his ears, because of the screech from the Grimm. He saw from the far Ren running up to a tree and shooted at the Nuckelavee, he saw him pinned Ren with his long arm onto a building.

Nora: Ruby!

She nodded and threw Nora with Crescent Rose between the Grimm and Ren and got caught with the other arm and was in the same situation like Ren. Only Magnhild was pinned above Ren with Nora hanging. They looked each other when Nora suddely crossed her legs together.

Nora: Stop looking. *they looked away ashamed*

The Nuckelavee tossed Nora around the ground so that her Aura flickered. Ren then used StormFlower to cut and shoot at it that it should let go of him. Jaune then cutted it's leg and three little but pointy icicles came flying pierced it in the upper thigh, made the Grimm scream in pain and letted Ren go. Jaune looked to the direction where icicles came from and saw Arion leaned against a wall. Ren then ran to the Grimm full of wrath and reckless, even after he got hit by an arm, he stood up ran forward again.

Jaune: Ren! Knock it off!

But Ren ignored and got then grabbed and tossed to the ground, landed beside Nora. He wanted attack him again, but Nora tackled him with her under a house, while the Grimm ran to them but got stopped when Jaune blocked it's hooves with his sword and Arion holded it with the static cage. When the spell vanished the Grimm shoved him onto the ground but got hten shooted from Ruby. It attaked her with it's arm which she dodged just in time, jumped in the air and kept shooting. Ren wanted go help, but Nora holded his wrist.

Ren: Nora, let go! Nora, they're going to be hurt if we don't- *Nora slapped him*

Nora: No. I won't let you kill yourself like this. After everything we've been through, I won't let it end. *saw for short Nora as a child* Not like this. *Ren looked then at the knife of his father* We can do this.

Ren nodded and they came out from their hideout. Jaune and Ruby joined them, while Arion couldn't move away.

Ruby: Ren. Jaune and I can take care of it's arms. Arion could petrify it's legs.

Nora: I'll take care of the horse.

Ren: And I'll take care of the rest.

Nora jumped to a roof and Ruby shooted from other rooftops, baited the Nuckelavee into using its arms to try to snatch her. She succeeded in maneuvering it so that she used the tip of her scythe to pin one of its arms into the ground. Arion meanwhile used his last strenght to petrify the legs. While the creature flinched and raged, Ren's knife flew into its flank. It turned and attempted to snatch Jaune. Ren launches from the roof with Jaune's shield, to force the other arm to the ground. 

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