Volume 4 (Family)

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In the forest

Ruby: Come on guys! If we pick up the pace we can hit the next town before sunset.

Arion: Uhm, Ruby? I think it's gonna to rain soon.

Jaune: Assuming it's still there. And Arion? You have something then to explain. What was the light on your hand before in Shion?

Arion: *nervous* Uhm, can we talk about it another time?

Ruby: Of course it'll be there! This one's supposed to be pretty big. Hee... gan.. bay.. na..

Ren: Higanbana. It's a well-protected village with popular inn.

Nora: Which means... No camping in the rain!

Ruby: See, everything's gonna be fine!

Jaune: You know, we've had a lot of ups and downs, but things could be a lot worse. Really thought we'd see more Grimm. There were more Grimm. But I don't feel them anymore. Someone's following us.

Ren: As did I.

Nora: I guess our luck is finally turning around. To Higanbana!

Ren&Jaune: To Higanbana!

Ruby: To Higanban... banna!

Arion: Ruby? Please stop try to speak complicated names. My elvhen can't you still not speak right. *Then they laughed*

Arion then heard a sword slash from the far and looked up on the cliff to see from the far Qrow watching them.

Qrow: Hmph... Luck.


Ruby: Arion! Come!

Arion: Yes...

In the night in Higabana

When they went to the inn to get a room, Arion heard his scroll beeping. He took it out and saw a message from Qrow.

Qrow: Come into the pub, towards of the inn. 

Ruby: I have something to do. I'm coming later. 

Ruby: Okay. Don't catch a cold! *Arion nodded and left the inn and went into the pub*

In the pub

When he went in, he saw Qrow sitting there. Arion walked to him and sat down.

Qrow: You don't seem surprised to see me.

Arion: I could see you on the cliff. Elves and Faunus can better see than humans, you know. It was odd, when no Grimm followed us, so someone must follow us to keep us save.

Qrow: Your really smarter than you look, rabbit.

Arion: *starred on him* I would prefer, not to call me that.

Qrow: Whatelse. You're going to say them?

Arion: ...No.

Qrow: Good.

A barmaid then came and served him a drink.

Qrow: Oh, I didn't-

Barmaid: From the woman upstairs. Red eyes. Said you woudln't mind a bottom shelf.

Qrow: *looked up* Thanks.

Barmaid: But I went ahead and gave you top. Lucky you!

Arion: She's right about you.

Barmaid: And for you, young man?

Arion: Scotch... but with water, please.

Barmaid: Right. *leaved*

Qrow: *grinned but faded away when he looked over to the inn* Yeah. *took his drink* Wait here.

Arion: What- *Qrow went upstairs* sigh.

Qrow went up on the balcony to meet a woman with black hair, red eyes and weared a black and red armor. It was his sister Raven. And by her side was the six eyed wolf laying on the ground. When they talked, Arion was listening the conversation. She looks like Yang. Must be her mother. But the wolf?

Raven: Hello, brother.

Qrow: Raven. *walked to her and sat.* So, what do you want?

Raven: A girl can't just catch up with her family?

Qrow: She can, but you're not. How about we get on with it? Unless you plan on keeping these coming.  Who's the mutt? The real wolf is already inside of him.

Raven: *the wolf growled at him* Present. Does she have it?

Qrow: Did you know Yang lost her arm?

Raven: That's not-

Qrow: Rhetorical question. I know you know. It's just obnoxious that you bring up family then carry on like your own daughter doesn't exist. What?! Really a raven mother...

Raven: I saved her.

Qrow: Once. Because that was your rule, right? "Mom of the Year" material, sis. *wanted to take his drink, but Raven holded his wrist*

Raven: I told you Beacon would fall, and it did. I told you Ozpin would fail, and he has. Now you tell me. Does... Salem... have it? What Salem? She knows already about her? 

Qrow: I thought you weren't interested in all of that.

Raven: I just want to know what we are up against.

Qrow: And which "we" are you referring to? *Raven let go of Qrow's wrist and he took his drink again* You should come back, Raven. The only way we beat her is by working together. All of us.

Raven: You're the one who left. The tribe raised us... and you turned your back on them.

Qrow: They were killers and thieves.

Raven: They were your family.

Qrow: You have a very skewed perception of that word. *Raven stood up*

Raven: I lead our people now. And as leader I will do everything in my power to ensure our survival.

Qrow: I saw. The people of Shion saw too. 

Raven: The weak die, the strong live. Those are the rules.

Qrow: Well, you've certainly got someone strong on your side. I've seen the damage.

Raven: *looked away* We couldn't have known the Grimm would sat in as quickly as they did. What?! OK, that's it! *Arion was on the way to go to Qrow and Raven*

Qrow: I'm not talking about the Grimm, an I'm not talking about you either.

Raven: If you don't know where the Relic is, then we have nothing left to talk about. *Arion stopped* What Relic? 

Qrow: *holded Raven's mask down* I don't know where the Spring Maiden is either. But if you do, I need you to tell me.

Raven: And why would I do that? *took her mask from Qrow's grip*

Qrow: Because without her, we're all going to die.

Raven: And which "we" are you reffering to? *Raven then saw Arion behind Qrow a few meters away and smirked. She opens then a portal* And don't forget your living relic from the ancient past of Thedas. Come Fenrir. *walked then in the portal with the wolf and dissappeard*

Qrow: What does she- *heard a glass fall, turned around and saw Arion shocked and the barmaiden afraid*

Arion: I need to go... *leaved on a desk the money for the drink and leaved back to the inn.*

Qrow: *turned to the woman* Make this one a double.


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