Chapter 29

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 "You two ready to go?" I ask as I tighten the makeshift baby hugger around my turso.

 Today, we go home.

 "Let's go." Steve smiles patriotically. As I stab the ground with the sword, he clears his throat "What are you going to do first?" he shrugs "On the other side, I'm going to get laid."

 I chuckle and Thanos smiles weakly "I'm going to clear Loki's name."

 "We're going to run some tests on Magni." I state, trying to flatten out his three month hair.

 When the portal fires up, I push Thanos through. Steve follows sweetly behind. And with one last look, I walk through.

 As soon as I'm through, I pull out the sword and look around. Natasha, Clint, Bucky, T'Challa Shuri, Scarlet, Banner, Fury, Tony, Nebula, Gamora, Quill, Groot and Rocket stare at us.

 "I want you to listen, and I don't want lip!" Steve orders like the soldier he is "This has been happening since I meet you and, in my time, it would have got me discharged!" he steps closer to one edge, staring straight at Stark, his Brooklyn accent breaks through as he continues "I hate you so fucking much! You arrogant, pig-headed, ass!"

 Stark smirks "Geez Cap, haven't you heard of language?"

 "I'm not done!" Steve states while making a stone-cold stare "You're-" he runs out of words and throws his hands up in surrender, before grabbing Stark by the collar and smashing his lips to Tony's.

 I smirk as I see Nebula forking twenty units to Gamora. When Steve pulls away, Stark smirks "Aggressive much?"

 I turn to Shuri "Will you please run ever possible test on Magni." I pull him from the baby holder and he makes a cute baby noise "Good morning darling."

 Natasha holds out her hands to take the baby and I don't resist. If I've learned anything from being friends with an assassin, it's not to stop them from doing something "Do you think something is wrong?" Shuri asks.

 "I know something is wrong." I state, trying to flatten his messy hair, with no success "Even the smallest issues, tell me."

 After I kiss his forehead, I start towards the door, but Scarlet stops me "Where are you going?"

 "To find his father." I state, glancing back to Magni, who flails happily "Thor's getting ripped a new one for abandoning us."

 "About that." Fury interrupts.


 "Nothing has worked." Fury states, stopping me in front of the one-way mirror "He's been here since the day he found out you weren't coming back."

 "What damage has he done?" I ask, gripping the window frame.

 "He hasn't eaten, his eye hasn't been medicated since you left and when he found out about Modi, he tried to hang himself." my mouth goes dry as I look through the window "He only moves when he thinks he sees you." I give him a confused look and he sighs "Strange and Scarlet have been trying to get him out of the shell." I nod and look back into the room "He strangled Strange."

 With a sigh, I look down "Well, I'm going in."

 When I step foot into the cell, I find it dirty and trashed. Paper litters the floor and he sits in the corner. His hair is greasy and his eye is red. I can smell him from here. Faint bruises litter his arms and chest. The only thing he wears are paper pants and he holds a little red rubber ball in his hand. Despite the starvation, he looks quite muscular. A plate of food lay untouched, by the door.

The God that Proved them Wrong (Thorki) Book 1 of 3Where stories live. Discover now