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For the love of God, will this woman ever learn to shut up?

I open one eye, watching Portiana as she storms into my house, rambling as usual. I pause the game, heaving a deep sigh before facing her fully, opening both of my eyes.

She paces back and forth, yelling at me about what she happened to see yesterday. Then, she comes over and pushes my legs off the table, before slamming a stack of magazines down.

Tabloids, to be specific.

"What the fuck is this?" She puts both her hands on her hips, glaring at me.

"That's a magazine, Portia. You know, where publishers with no life post invalid information and pictures about people like me." I look up at her, unamused.

More like annoyed.

"No, no. Read through them. Read through them all. Officially, on the shelves as of 3 A.M. at the drugstore." She points at them frantically, before going back to pace around.

I roll my eyes at her dramatic ass. I pick up the first of many, almost laughing at the title.

Pregnant Portiana Mandela Takes a Swing!

-It is reported that after current NFL superstar, Liam Forte, finds out about the baby, he demands for separation, claiming the baby is not his.

With Miss Mandela out on the streets, she encounters a mugger. Said mugger attempts to rob Portiana of her fake Chanel bag. Portia decides to assault the mugger with her—

"Okay, really?" I look up at her, even more annoyed than before. This is a waste of time. I was doing fine, watching my game, eating a burrito.

     "What? Don't you see this crap?" She looks at me with big eyes, bigger than how they already are. "I'm not pregnant, and you definitely never kicked me out of your house!"

     "You're right. I can't kick you out if you don't stay here anyway." I clench my jaw. Our deal wasn't for her to pop up whenever the hell she feels like it, to either try and convince me to have sex with her, or to yap at me.

     All she does is holler. Whether it's when I fuck her, or because I won't. She just won't shut up. It's like a smoke alarm. It won't stop screaming until you press the button, but in this case, she doesn't have one.

     Well, the only way I'd get her to stop talking is if I shove my dick down her throat, but I wouldn't be considered a good man if I do that, now would I?

     She looks down, blinking rapidly. I rub my forehead, realizing I hurt her feelings...again. She's too sensitive for me. You can't expect me to sit here and let her go off on me without retaliating.

Now that Jasmine is here, I can use her as an example. When has she ever cried or backed away when I argued with her?

If she has, she sure as hell hasn't let me see it. And even if she did, she'd put up a hell of a fight. Hell, I constantly got slapped and punched by her short ass.

Within two years of me knowing Portia, she's never fought me back. Tested my patience, yes, but she never tested my anger. Seeing how far I can go until I snap and to what extent will I snap.

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