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     I find it extremely hilarious how she thinks I'm just going to roll with her idea of spur of the moment sex.

     She forgot the bet that fast. And you know me, I'm always down for a great bet that'll have Jasmine on her knees before me, yet again.


     Even though last time we made a bet—four years ago, I lost terribly and I had to quit fucking around for a month, which didn't last because Jasmine and I started dating not too long after and well, she caved.

     I think had she not gave her virginity to me on my birthday, she would've made me slum it out for that month, but since I had her addicted to my dick at such an early stage...she couldn't really hold on to that punishment.

     I guess I was the actual winner if you think about it that way...

     Opening my eyes, I could already feel the absence of Jasmine. She always found a way to end up on top of me or under me whenever we slept together, not sexually. It's like she's the north and I'm the south and we just attract.

     We'd always end up tangled in one another and if I was on top of her, she'd be forced to just lay there until I woke up because I'm too heavy for her to push off apparently.

     I do, however, feel the overwhelming presence of Lily's foot under my chin. How the fuck she winds up like this baffles me, but hell, she's my daughter. She obviously has superpowers.

     I carefully get out of bed, trying my hardest not to wake her up because I don't want to be on her bad side in the morning, says Jasmine. I scoffed when she first said that, puffing out my chest and ensuring her that she wouldn't dare give attitude to her father.

     She's my little girl, she can't get mad at me.

     After brushing my teeth, I made my way downstairs, not bothering to put on a shirt or pants for the matter. Jasmine's seen me naked plenty of times, I have nothing to hide.

     But to make sure she doesn't pass out from the sight of me, I do have on boxers. It smells like bacon—it hits my nose as soon as I start the journey down the steps, and immediately, my day has been made.

     Especially walking into the kitchen and seeing my woman bent over the stove, looking perfect with her little velvet shorts on, her tattoo peeking from underneath them.

     "What a sight!" I whistle, striding through the kitchen with a smirk tugging at the corner of my lips.

     I cage her in between the stove and myself before she could duck away and I kiss her beneath her ear. "Good morning, Love." I greet her like I know she loves, all husky and low, and I was happy to see that she shuddered.

     "Good morning, Liam." She breathes, goosebumps rushing down her arms as I leaned further into her, pressing my chest to her back and connecting my hips to her delicious ass.

     "You're cooking for me?" I mumble into her neck before licking up to her jaw. She trembles. I kiss her there.

"Uh huh," she moans, not holding back, probably knowing how much it turns me on to hear her. Maybe she did remember the bet after all...

"What are you cooking for me?" I nibble on her earlobe, and trailing my tongue up her helix.

"Eggs, bacon, grits, pancakes...your favorite." She leans into me, sighing in appreciation as I work my hand—I really need this cast off my arm—up her thigh, teasingly dipping between both of them, nearing her sex.

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