Twenty Three.

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"So, how did you two meet...?" I point to Carter and this mysterious woman to the left of him, sitting across from Liam, Liliana, and I in the booth.

Lina scoots closer to the edge of the booth when the woman wraps her arm around Carter's neck, kind of brushing her fingers through Lina's hair. Liam arches his brow.

Liliana giggles at whatever she's watching on Liam's phone. Let's pray it's not porn.

"We met online a few months ago," she smiles, looking at Carter who smiles back lightly, blushing. "He posted a picture on Instagram and I dove into the DM." She breathes a laugh.

Assessing her, I wasn't too pleased, but I won't judge. Her candy blue hair was cut into a bob, and she wore a black, wide brim fedora. My smile probably looked like a grimace. She didn't scream feminine.

The look in her eyes when she looked at Carter screamed she wanted to take him from behind on the back of the couch. I wince at the imagery.

Liam snorted when I voiced this when they first walked through the door together. "Oh, that's lovely, dear. Lovely." I force a smile before clearing my throat.

"Can we change subject? I'm not too fond of this whole," Lina waves her hand around, gesturing to the entire table. "Thick cloud of awkward." She pulls her hair to the other side of her neck when mystery woman's fingers brushed it for a second time. She scooted closer to the edge.

"Gladly." Liam perks up, eyeing Lina before shaking his head, and leaning down to me, "I wish she wasn't a virgin."

"I wish I was a virgin." I spit back, giving him a glare to which he quickly pulls me into his side, muttering an apology before kissing the top of my head lovingly.

"Baby, you know I was just kidding. Your legs are the only ones I want to be between."

Liliana clears her throat.

"Can we talk?" Lina looks at me, ignoring Liam's crassness, but then she glances at Carter and mystery woman. "If you're not comfortable with it..."

"Girl please," I wave her off before waving a waitress over to our table. I have no fucking clue why no one has come to serve us yet and we've been here for thirty minutes. The nerve of Chili's. "If there's anything you should know about me, know I'm not ashamed of myself."

Liam scoffs, but when I look up at him, he straightens up.

"I'm sorry ma'am."

"I know you are. Your punishment will be waiting for you when we get home, understood?" I grin cheekily at him and his brows draw closer together at my words.

"Excuse me?" His hand slides down from my shoulder to the side of my thigh. He is sitting on my right side so that he can 'touch me properly if need be'.

He placed himself between Liliana and I. If I was still a little jealous of their bond, I would've said he was dividing us, but I'm not jealous...Okay, maybe a little. I'm still not used to sharing what's mine, and being happy about it.

I mean look at what happened when I first got here? Portiana was around him for what seemed like twenty five hours a day, eight days a week. How many times have you seen her recently?


"You heard right." I smirk, but I purse them together when the waitress comes over.

"I'm so sorry for the wait," she rummages through her smock? Apron? Whatever. She rummages through that frantically as she rushes out, "I just—" when she snapped her head up to pass out our straws, her eyes found Liam.

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