Twenty Seven.

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     Rosalita threw her wine glass to the floor, causing a loud shattering to quiet the entire restaurant for a moment before talking picked back up.

     "I'm going to kill her!" She pops out of her chair, her face red with anger as she attempts to charge toward us. I immediately attempt to stand, but Jasmine grabs my thigh tightly, digging her nails into my pants tightly in order to stop me.

     "She's all talk, she won't try and hurt me." She tried to assure me, but I wasn't having it. I try and get up again, but she just digs deeper.

     "What the fuck?" I pry her hand off my leg.

     "Don't do that. She's not going to do anything." She shakes her head.

     "Let me be a man, Jasmine." My brows draw together, slightly annoyed by the fact that she just wants me to sit here like a little bitch while her mom just threatened to kill her. Bluffing or not, I'm not going to let anybody come at Jasmine any kind of way other than respectfully.

     "You can be a man, but there's no need for you to defend me when she isn't going to do anything." She whispers to me, but I wasn't appreciating her tone. My blood started to simmer.

     "It's my fucking job to protect you. I would feel like less of a man if anybody threatened you, and I just sat there. I'll be damned if I let anyone hurt you."

     "Your arm is fractured." She retorts, getting angry at me. For trying to protect her?

     "I would break my arm in order to—Jasmine I would die protecting you." I move her hand away from me when she tried to touch me.

     She just sighed as a man with a button down and black dress pants came up to our table. Rosalita had sat down by now. My father was cooling her down.

     "Good evening, family. We've been having some complaints about the noise level coming from this table. Is everything alright?" He glanced around, a concerned look on his face.

     "We're fine. I just said something that set her off. I apologize, Sir." Jasmine spoke up, "We'll pay for the glass."

     "I'll add it to your tab." He quickly assures before smiling tightly, "Please do settle down, or I'm afraid we'll have to ask you all to leave the restaurant—after paying, of course." He gives a stiff nod before rubbing his hands together and walking off.

     "When?" Rosa gritted out as I continued to eat Jasmine's steak. She finished her salad, and has started on her crab cakes.

     But she looked up at me, and I saw uncertainty in her eyes. Nervousness as well, and it made me uneasy. She didn't know if she wanted to spill the fact that we just had a quickie in the alleyway of some run down bar—in the truck.

     I told Jasmine this before. I don't give a fuck about how this shit turns out, and if it was up to me, I would've told them as soon as I found out that Liliana existed, but Jasmine doesn't seem to want that.

     We both seemed to come up with an answer, so we both spoke at the same time. The problem was, our stories didn't match up.

     "His eighteenth birthday—"

     "—A few hours ago."

     This caused Lorenzo to burst into laughter, making my blood boil even more. Cocky bitch. "This is amazing." He wipes invisible tears from under his eyes.

     Rosa closed her eyes tightly, breathing harshly through her nose before packing her things. We all just watched in shock. Definitely not expecting this dinner to go the way it has. And by the looks of it, it would've been worse had we not have been in a fancy restaurant.

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