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"See that's the bullshit I'm talking 'bout!" I slap the dashboard as I send Liam the harshest glare I can give him.

"What fucking bullshit?" He glances at me from the corner of his eye.

"You fucking around all the time—I'm tired of it! You can never keep your microscopic dick in your pants." I growl, hitting him where it hurts. A man's ego always get knocked down a few notches when you have the does size matter talk.

Yes, it does.

"Microscopic? You weren't calling it microscopic when I was shoving it down your throat the other day." He sneered, hitting his right turn harder than necessary, causing us to jerk left.

"Mami, Papa, you're scaring me." Liliana says from the backseat, but neither of us were listening. We never did listen.

"Please, I barely felt you touch my tongue." I roll my eyes, but my breath leaves my body when he slams on breaks in the middle of the road.

He's about to say something, but he's cut off by Liliana's screaming, which sound scarily similar to a car's blaring horn.

I turn around only to see a truck that's speeding our way. "Liam, drive!"

"Jasmine, wake up, baby." His voice is smooth, deep, and husky, just the way I love it to be. But it was weird, because it didn't leave Liam's lips.

"The fucking car won't go." The horn gets louder and louder as the truck becomes closer, and I realized it wasn't going to stop moving.

"Mami, do something!" Liliana wails, desperately trying to get out of her carseat, her face stark white.

"Liam step on the fucking gas—what do you mean the car won't go?" I practically screech, tears pooling my eyes as I try and unbuckle Liliana, but every time I unbuckle it, it pieces itself back together.

What the fuck?

"Jasmine." His voice is stern, and sexy—my panties are soaked just from hearing it. I chastise myself because we're literally about to die in this car and I'm turned on. "Jasmine, baby, wake up."

The truck is speeding now, the lights getting brighter and brighter, and Liliana's car like scream getting louder and louder. "Liam if you don't fucking drive—"

"Shut the fuck up, bitch, I'm trying." My eyes widen as I hear him call me a bitch for the first time.

"Mama!" Liliana shrieks, and I tried to get out of the car so I can run and get her out, but the doors are locked. And now the door handles just disappeared.

What the fuck is going on?

"Mami don't let me die!"

"Baby." I feel my airways start to close up and I panic, trying to breathe through my mouth, but no air comes in. I start hitting Liam on the arm but he pushes me off of him as I struggle to breathe.

"Jasmine." My eyelids get heavier as my heart rate slows, colors fading and blurring into each other as Liliana's screams and Liam's curses get softer and softer until—

I smack Liam's hand away from my nose as I wake up from my dream. "Fuck you!" I swat him away as he starts laughing at me.

"It's so fun to watch you panic in your sleep." He cradles Lily in one hand as he doubles over in laughter.

The asshole was pinching my nose to cut off my air supply. "I hate you."

     "I think you're cute too, now get out." He nods his head towards the outside of the cake place and when I don't move, he grunts. "Now, Jasmine."

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