Twenty Two.

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     "Fuck," I quickly cover my mouth, chastising myself in my head. I'm cursing and I haven't even acknowledged the fact that Liliana could be sleeping beside me. And to think, I've worked so hard on my maturity.

     My eyes are still closed. I don't even want to know where I ended up after last night. Hearing little snores from somewhere gives me the idea that Liam is nearby.

     Ugh, Liam.

He fucked us good!

I groan inwardly. Great, Tequila is back to haunt me. I'm going to need her to get a hold of herself because she cannot be acting this way at the fashion show today—


The fashion show is today. What time is it?

My eyes snap open, and I rub the blurriness away before my eyes start to take in the room around me. Or lack of.

Why the hell am I butt ass naked on the balcony? I cross my arms over my chest and look around, wondering why the fuck I'm outside.

And where the hell is—

His snoring brings my attention to him. Who is equally naked, sprawled out on the ground, but the back of his head is resting against the side of a love seat.

He's sporting a boner.

Nice, Liam.

     I bite my lip as I get up to stop from cursing. The immediate feeling of me being throughly fucked has seeped in and I kind of regret telling him to show me no mercy.

Stop fucking lying.

     Okay, so I lied. I don't regret it.

     But my poor vagina is softly weeping in guilty pleasure. She's a little annoyed with how sore she is from being pounded into by some two hundred pound football player, but she's pulsing at the thought of being destroyed again.

     Being a woman is so difficult.

     I try and hide my limp, as I begin my walk of shame back into the house. Sliding the glass door open, I take a glance back at Liam who's passed out on the balcony floor, thinking.

     Should I wake him?


     He played very unfairly last night, taking out his anger on me, so I believe he's in need of punishment.

     I step inside and slide the door back closed, locking him outside.


     I cackle, looking at his ignorant state. Too bad I won't be here to see him suffer, I have a fashion show to go to.

     My cackling ceases as I choke on air after I turned around and got a face full of Candid. I quickly cross my legs and arms, trying to hide my naked self. Talk about a true walk of shame...

     "Jesus, Miss C, you weren't supposed to be here." I wheeze out, attempting to catch my breath after coughing into my shoulder, well after I tried to cough into my shoulder.

     "I believe I was, sweetie. I come once a week." She gives me a knowing grin. Her eyes travel down and back up my body, making my ears burn as she smiles brighter.

     "No wonder he's so obsessed with you." She tsks, wiping her hands off on her smock. "You truly are—what do you kids say? 'Body goals'," she uses air quotations, and laughs lightly.

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