Chapter 2

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During the next five months, the days were spent with Lena at L-Corp working tirelessly on the teleportal, while Sam, Alex, and the D.E.O team worked on making the D.E.O ship safe for intergalactic travel. The evenings were spent with Sam and Alex teaching Lena all of the Kryptonese that they knew.

Eventually, Sam had accidentally spilled to Alex that she and Lena knew that Kara was Supergirl, and although Alex's initial reaction was to lock them up, Brainy had gotten her to settle for signing very strict nondisclosure agreements with frightening threats if they were ever to break them.... Afterward, however, working together was more comfortable because they knew that there were no more secrets between them.

Lena was in the final days of perfecting the teleportal, and the D.E.O was almost finished with the final touches of the ship. Which meany that Lena's star trek was fast approaching; and she was thrilled to know that she was going to soon be able to make the long trek through the solar system to see Kara's beautiful face once again.

She just hoped that when she finally saw her, that it wasn't going to be too late.


Lena was in the final stages of perfecting the teleportal when her lab door opened, and Alex stepped in.

"We need to talk." The director stated flatly.

Lena sighed, she knew that the only reason Alex was going along with letting Lena go to Argo was that Sam supported it... and Alex had a massive crush on the CFO. So, it wasn't surprising that she was starting to have doubts again. "Alex, I know that you wanted to be the one to go, but it's a three month journey to their solar system because our technology pales in comparison to the 31st century technology Imra's ship was built with. There's also no telling how long it will take for us to find the right hiding spot for the other half of the teleportal that I have to leave on Argo... it has to be just right. If it wouldn't take such a large amount of time, I would gladly let you go in my place, but you have an agency to run, and Superman has a world to protect."

Alex furrowed her brows. "I know. Sam and I have already talked about this... I want to be the one on that ship, but my duties at the D.E.O are too important to just drop for three months; plus, I know you've got Kara's best interest at heart. I trust you, Lena. You should know that by now."

Lena's heart swelled; the only person in the world to ever say that they trusted her was Kara... and to hear that Kara's sister also trusted her was like music to her ears; if Kara's entire family believed in Lena, then they had a higher probability of succeeding as a couple... If that's what Kara wanted. "Then... what was it that you wanted to speak to me about?"

Alex smiled kindly. "I was just wanting to go over the controls for the landing. I know you've created a few of your own ships, but this one is going to be taking you over four lightyears in just a little over three months... you are going to be going faster than any human has ever traveled, so I wanted to make sure that you had a little refresher course before you leave."

Lena smiled and agreed to the lesson, grateful that Alex cared about her enough to do this for her.

She listened and watched as Alex showed her the codes that she would have to put into the ship's motherboard an hour before landing, she watched as Alex showed her the video of the simulated landing, and then asked questions when she thought it was necessary.

She took Alex's test, passing it with a 100%, then smiled proudly as Alex patted her on the back. "Now, can I hurry and finish my Teleportation Portal so I can get going?"

Alex shook her head. "Not yet, Luthor... you still have to ace the simulation before you're going anywhere."

Lena guffawed; she knew that Alex had an overprotective streak, but she'd thought that side of the Director was solely reserved for Kara.

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