Chapter 12

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They were cake tasting when the thought came crashing into her mind... They had never found out what their score was. Alura had told them that they were a match, but not how much of one they were. Nor did she show them their ticket.

It seemed strange, but as she watched Kara stuff an entire slice of cake into her mouth, all she could do was giggle and indulge herself in all that was Kara Zor-El Danvers.


It hit her again, that night... She was cuddled up into Kara's side on her bed in Argo, her head was resting on a strong Kryptonian shoulder, when she once again thought about their score... Perhaps it wasn't as high as the one Kara had with Kell-Ur, and to save Kara from that saddening news, Alura had preferred to keep the score to herself.

Lena frowned, she wouldn't feel right now until she knew for sure... Was she Kara's second best?

Before her mind could go crazy trying to figure out what Alura's reasoning could be, Kara began shifting and then opened her eyes. Crystal orbs met Emerald, and they both smiled lovingly. "You know, I never thought we'd be here." Kara murmured.

Lena shook her head. "I always dreamed, but I never thought it would happen. I finally got the courage to tell you after you left, but I didn't think it would lead to something this amazing... I'm going to marry you."

Kara smiled. "We're going to marry each other, and we're going to buy a farm on-," She cut off, a frown etched on her face.

Worry filled Lena as she took in Kara's demeanor. "What's wrong, Darling?"

Kara sighed. "I just... I just realized that we haven't talked about what our future is going to hold." She admitted. "I know what I'd like to see happen, but... we've never discussed it."

Lena smiled. "Well... There are two options that I've been thinking about. Would you like to hear them?"

Kara beamed, her eyes shining bright, "Of course." She replied earnestly.

"Well, I was thinking that if we planned on staying on Argo full-time and only planned to visit Earth, we could buy a home together there. You could remain one of the brightest minds in the science guild, and I could become a teacher while having most of L-Corp's funds transferred into our Argo bank account. That way we will be fine here, but also have enough money on Earth, so we wouldn't have to worry about financial stability."

Kara smiled. "You want to be a teacher?"

Lena shrugged, "It wasn't my life's dream, but-,"

Kara shook her head and cut her off. "We have an inventors guild too, Lena. I know it wouldn't be the best for us to work together, but your brilliant mind deserves to be experienced. You like inventing things, the Inventors guild is right next to the Science guild, so we could still have lunch together daily, and we do co-ops quite a lot, so I think that would work. You don't have to be a teacher, Lena."

Lena smiled, the fact that Kara thought about their future together, and was willing to find a position for her astounded he; she felt incredibly lucky, and if she were being entirely honest, being a part of the Inventors guild excited her. "That would work too." She chuckled. "Inventors Guild it is."

"What about the second idea?" Kara inquired.

Lena smiled. "That's the one if we stay on Earth full-time and just visit Argo. I don't think you want that one."

Kara tilted her head. "But what do you want?" She asked gently.

Lena's heart flittered at Kara's gentleness. "I just want you."

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