Chapter 9

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Lena's heart was pounding, and her lungs were fighting against her as she waited for a response from Kara.

Kara looked over her shoulder at Kell-Ur for a second before she turned around and finally focused on Lena. She rose her hand up to Lena's faced and caressed her cheek with her pointer and middle finger. "I have to talk to Kell-Ur, will you wait for me at your place?"

Lena had no idea what was going to happen; her heart was staying together by a thread, and all she knew that she'd wait for Kara for eternity. She nodded jerkily. "Y-yes. T-take your time; I'll be waiting."

As she turned to walk away, Kara called after her. "Oh, and Lena?" Lena turned around, to face Kara once more. "Thank you... For telling me."

Lena offered her a shaky smile and nodded before she walked down the stairs.


Thirty minutes later, Lena was sitting on her couch, fidgeting with her hands and worrying about what she'd done.

Had telling Kara been the wrong move? Her reaction had been entirely unreadable, something Lena had found wholly unexpected. She had been ready for Kara to be repulsed, confused, or.. perhaps even delighted, but she had never expected an undecipherable response, and that put her on edge instantly.

Was Kara angry? Excited? Did she perhaps even find it funny?

She'd thanked her, so that couldn't be a good sign, right? And what could she possibly want to talk to Kell-Ur about?

Were they laughing at her expense?

Lena couldn't tell, and that unnerved her far worse than she'd anticipated; but Kara asked her to wait for her, and Lena would wait until the world exploded if she had to, because one thing she was incapable of doing was denying Kara a single damn thing. So, if Kara wanted her to wait, she'd wait... even if it was slowly killing her to do so.

So, she sat. She sat, and forced her breathing to stay steady while her heart beat rampantly in her chest. She'd divulged her heart to Kara, she admitted everything, put her heart on the line and cards on the table, and at that very moment, she felt like she had just ruined everything.

She heard the balcony doors open behind her, and she inhaled deeply, preparing herself for the heartache that she was inevitably going to feel when Kara rejected her.

"There's a saying that goes something like. 'When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far, no time is too long, and no other love can break them apart.'" Kara started. "I always loved that saying, although I thought it was entirely cliché, but you proved to me that it wasn't... You see, our hearts are meant for each other, and you traveled four lightyears to get to me, after eight months of being apart, and still had the courage to tell me you loved me even though I was bonded to someone else."

She walked around the room and stood in front of Lena, whose heart was about to implode... What was Kara playing at?

"It wasn't instantaneous like it was for you," Kara said somberly as she shook her head. "It happened in an slowly, and then it hit me like a truck." She knelt down in front of Lena, who was finding it hard to breathe because of all the hope that was threatening to suffocate her. "We were laughing at a movie, cuddled on your couch, being best friends, and the next thing I knew I looked at you and my breath went away. I realized just how beautiful you were. I realized that I was undeniably in love with you, and the necessity to protect you overwhelmed me, because the thought of losing you made me sick. You've consumed parts of me that I never even knew were empty, Lena... but once you filled them, I felt the loss as soon as you stated that we weren't friends. Those eight months on Argo without you were bittersweet, because I was home, but my home wasn't there with me."

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