Chapter 3

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Lena saw Kara standing there, in the space ship, right in front of her; and her heart stopped. She had been dying to see her for eight months, and now that she finally did, there were so many things she wanted to say, but her vision was becoming fuzzy, and noises were becoming mumbled, and the lights... the lights were going out.


The next thing Lena saw was a ceiling. A black ceiling... and when she turned her head, she saw orange walls. Was this a Kryptonian hospital room? It was... nicer than Earth's standard hospitals.

When she looked around the room to inspect it, she saw that there were flowers on the stand beside her bed... exquisite flowers that Earth did not have.

Then she noticed two leather chairs on her side. The bright orange walls were decorated with two gorgeous paintings, and then a large screen that she could only assume was a Kryptonian television. The door appeared to be an automatic one, but it was large, thick and wooden. She averted her eyes to the strange monitors that had a few similarities to Earth's hospital monitors but seemed far more advanced. The bed was almost as comfortable as the bed she had in her own apartment, and the pillow was just as soft.

The biggest thing that caught her attention, however, was that she was in this room... alone. And although that hurt, Lena just wanted to know why.

Why did Kara not want to see her?
Why did Kara rescue her if only just to abandon her as soon as she had?
Why wasn't Kara there, giving her the third degree about why she had traveled across the galaxy to find her?

Before her mind could get too carried away, the doors opened, and in walked an angel... Kara Zor-El, with her golden curls flowing delicately down her back, her glasses off, while she wore a white dress that hugged her body in all the right ways walked through the door with a tentative smile on her face... Lena took her all in, and her mind fried as her stomach twirled and her heart fluttered... because... Kara.

"Miss Luthor! You're awake!" Kara chimed, her voice high-pitched.

Hearing Kara call her 'Miss Luthor' put things into perspective for Lena once more, she was there on a mission, and there was no way that she was going to back down, but before she could speak Kara was pulling off the blanket covering Lena, and touching all over her abdomen. "How are you feeling? How's the pain on a scale from one to ten, ten being the worst pain in your life, and one being nothing."

Lena smiled, then suddenly grimaced as Kara touched a particularly sensitive spot. "Ah!" She gasped.

Kara immediately yanked her hands away as if she had just been burnt. "S-sorry! I was just checking for internal bruises."

Lena laughed lightly. "It's okay, K-..." She cut herself off, not wanting to give away the truth about knowing Kara's identity. "It's okay, Supergirl..."

The Kryptonian smiled sadly. "You passed out from the pain almost immediately after I found you." She announced. "You broke your leg pretty badly, and you broke four ribs, but the IV that you've got should help you heal in a couple of days... For Kryptonians, it heals them within hours, but human' anatomy and Kryptonians' anatomy are entirely different, so we had to give you a lower dosage than we would give a Kryptonian."

Lena smiled. "That's okay. It gives me a reason to stay here a bit longer."

Kara frowned. "Why are you here, Miss Luthor? That must have been an exponentially long journey."

"I needed to see you." Lena sighed

"Why?" Kara asked. "Why did you need to see me? You're furious with me."

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