Chapter 6

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When Kell-Ur helped Lena into the wheelchair and pushed her into the kitchen, she was shocked to find that Kara wasn't the one cooking, in fact, Kara was no where to be seen.

"Wh-where's Kara?" Lena asked, mildly worried that she was left all alone with a man she hardly knew.

Kell-Ur parked the wheelchair at the dining room table and smiled apologetically at her. "She thought that the healing solution was going to keep you sleeping for at least three more hours... So she went to the animal shelter to walk the dogs again."

Lena frowned. She didn't like the sound of that. "She left me alone with you?"

The man corrugated his brow, visibly confused. "Well of course not. I hadn't realized that she brought you back here until I used my key to get in this morning and went searching for Kara. Once I noticed that you were here, I messaged Kara immediately to see what was going on. She filled me in on the details as soon as I got ahold of her."

Lena didn't want to hear about everything that Kell-Ur had access to. She hated that he had a key to Kara's house already, and she wanted to hate him, but he seemed like an utterly kind man.

"You already have a key to her home?"

Kell-Ur turned around from the stove and smiled kindly at her. "Yes, it is Kryptonian custom to begin sharing parts of yourself with your bondmate in the months prior to your bonding. She also has a key to my home. I am a very lucky man; Kara is a fantastic woman."

Lena's heart ached, but at least Kell-Ur knew how lucky he was. "Yes, she is. She's the best."

He turned around with a pan of cooked food and placed it on the counter. "I hope you like eggs and bacon? Kara says that you aren't a big fan of meat, but I do not know many vegetarian recipes right now. I will learn some though; I promise! I want you to feel welcome when you come to stay with us."

Lena wanted to scream... She had intended to hate this man, but he was giving her no reason to do so. He saved her from falling, made her breakfast, wanted to make Lena feel at home there, and appeared to care for and respect Kara... He was the perfect gentleman, but he was the cause of her utter devastation.

Why did the universe hate her so much?

Because I'm a fucking Luthor. She monologed internally

"I certainly won't say no to bacon," She said with a smile. "Bacon and eggs are the only exception to my vegan lifestyle." She lied.

Kell-Ur gave her a broad smile. "Fantastic!" He chirped as he made them their plates.

When he started making a third plate, Lena watched him intently, trying to figure out what he was doing, but when he caught her staring, he gave her a knowing smile. "I'm making Kara's plate. I'm going to place it in the warmer so that it doesn't get cold for her."

And that was it... Lena begrudgingly decided that there was no way she could hate this man. Even if Kara was going to be with him instead of her.


When Kara walked through the door, Lena felt like a weight was being lifted off her shoulders... Kara was home. Last night hadn't been a dream, and Kara was genuinely in front of her. "Kara!"

Kara smiled and bent down to give her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "Hey, Lee. Why are you up so early? Your body needs its rest."

"I'm okay." Lena insisted. "I don't have any more pain in my abdomen. All I need is a set of crutches, and I'm good to go."

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