Chapter 4

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As soon as the words escaped her mouth, she felt an enormous weight lift off her shoulder.

She'd said it, she'd done all that she could do, and now whatever happened next was up to Kara, but when she saw Kara's face, her heart dropped... had it been too soon to bring up her feelings for her?

Kara's expression looked pained, and... something that looked a lot like wistful (that couldn't be it though... could it?) as she shook her head rapidly. "N-no, Lena... you, you love James. I-... you want to be with James. Maybe the medicine is fogging up your mind because I think your mixing things up a little. I-I I'm supposed to be bound soon, Lena. To a really nice person."

Lena's stomach sank, and her heart shattered as soon as the realization of what Kara just told her sank in... Kara was engaged.

She needed this conversation to end immediately; she wasn't mentally capable of thinking about Kara in the arms of another quite yet. Kara was going to get married to a complete stranger, because that was what Kryptonians did... and Lena would have to respect that... for Kara's sake as much as her own; but how could remain silent when all she wanted to do more than anything was kiss Kara's lips?

"You're right. I think I need to get some sleep. Would you mind giving me some privacy?"

Kara nodded slowly, and rose Lena's hand to her lips, pressing a chaste kiss on her palm; which set Lena's entire body ablaze with yearning, before placing it gently on the bed.

"Sleep well, Lee. I'll be back in a few hours." The hero whispered before she exited the room.

As soon as the door closed behind Kara, Lena let her sobs carry her into a fitful slumber.


When Lena awoke, the first thing she noticed was that the flowers had been replaced with a box of what appeared to be Kryptonian chocolates, and one of the leather chairs was occupied by her favorite person in the galaxy. But instead of feeling joyous, she remembered what Kara had told her before she abruptly ended their conversation.

"You're getting married?" She asked rashly.

Kara nodded with a tense smile as she looked up from her book and met Lena's eyes. "Yes!" She said with forced enthusiasm. "My mother and I decided that seven months was long enough for me to get used to living in Argo again. Oo we went to the Matricomp with a wonderful man named Kell-Ur that Mom thought would be a good match for me. According to Matricomp, Mother was right; we have a 95% compatibility."

Lena's heart cracked, as she fully realized that her declaration of love had fallen on deaf ears... Kara would never go against her Kryptonian customs, so she was going to marry a man that she didn't love but was 'destined' to be happy with... Marriage on Krypton was about partnership first, romance second, and it seemed as though Kara had no problem with that. Which destroyed Lena in ways she hadn't felt since Lex turned into a sociopath... only worse. "Wow. Ninety-five percent, huh?"

Kara nodded with an off-set smile. "Yup. Highest compatibility rate since Kal-El's parents."

Lena wanted to ask so many things about Kara's life here on Krypton. She also wanted to tell her so many things about the past eight months she'd been off Earth, but right then didn't feel like the time... so she brought back up the most significant topic... The confession.

"I'm sorry." She announced solemnly.

Kara frowned. "For what? You haven't done anything wrong. It was just the medicine."

"I did." Lena asserted with a single curt nod. "I told you I loved you, but I didn't even tell you that I broke up with James the day you left."

Kara's brows corrugated. "What? Why?"

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