Chapter 11

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Lena smiled, her heart soaring. "W-we're a match?"

Kara squeezed her hand. "Of course, we are, Lee! We're Kara and Lena!"

Alura smiled. "You two will make a magnificent couple, Sweetie. I'm happy for you both."

Lena looked between the two women, and couldn't believe the sincerity and warmth in their eyes... They genuinely wanted this... Alura was happy to have her as a daughter-in-law, and Kara wanted to make Lena her wife...

She stood there, holding Kara's hand in a vice grip, and let the joy soak into her bones. She wanted this feeling to be there until the day she died because until that day, happiness had been elusive for Lena. The only times she genuinely felt glimpses of joy were when she made Kara laugh, or smile, but today... today she was loved by Kara. Today she was wanted by Kara, and although some would say that her dependence on Kara was unhealthy, she would say that it was magnificent.

Kara had taught her what happiness was.
Kara had taught her what being important to someone felt like.
Kara had taught her what true love felt like.

And now, Kara had taught her what exuberance felt like. "We're a match." She whispered, her shock still mixed with her happiness.

Kara pulled her close to her chest, a goofy, love-sodden grin on her face. "We are." She whispered before capturing Lena's lips in a breathtaking kiss. "And we're going to spend the rest of our lives being a match."

Lena smiled from ear to ear. "I think I'll be okay with that." She murmured into the crook of Kara's neck. "I think I'll be very okay with that."


Kara seemed a tad over excited to tell her sister. She was sitting on her couch, holding Lena's hand, fidgeting, and bouncing her knee constantly. Lena was on cloud nine though, and couldn't bother to mind.... She was making Kara happy, just by existing next to her, and that made everything better. She never wanted to stop making Kara feel good... in every way possible.

"What's all the fuss about, Kar'?" Alex asked as she entered Kara's loft with Sam and Ruby in tow.

Lena watched as Kara smiled broadly. "LENA AND I ARE DATING!" She squealed loudly.

Sam and Alex grinned at each other. "Well... that's fantastic!" Alex said. "Because SAM AND I ARE TOO!"

Lena's jaw dropped. "Finally!" She teased.

Sam sent Lena a playful glare, and before she knew it, they were all chatting animatedly and telling each other how they each ended up together, and she smiled happily as she watched three of the closest people to her enjoy themselves... If this was what happiness felt like, she never, everwanted it to end... and then a thought crept into her mind... what if it did end?

That thought terrified her.


Alex, Sam, and Ruby had just exited the loft when Kara pounced on Lena.

It was playfully, and Lena giggled, melting into the kiss that Kara pulled her into.

She got lost in Kara's taste once more, but just as she was met with Kara's tongue, Kara pulled back off of Lena, sitting up to face her; a worry line evident on her face.

Lena immediately began worrying... Had she not kissed Kara well? "Kara?" She asked, her voice revealing just how worried she was.

Kara sighed and dropped her head. "We need to talk."

Lena gulped. "About what?" She asked.

"Well... a few things," Kara admitted cautiously. "One, about why your heart was thudding the entire time Alex, Sam, and Ruby were here. Then about what you said in the Matricomp building, and finally why you're clinging to me as if I'm about to fly away... Something is bothering you, and I'd very much like to get to the bottom of it."

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