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Friday. It was a week before summer camp. As always, on a school day juhyun will stay until four before she went back to her dormitory. She loves staying back in the class to finish all of her homework instead of doing it at night.

It was past four when she decided to call it a day and went back to her room. She packed all of her books and went out to her lockers where she mostly kept her school belongings.

The hallway was quiet that day. There was nobody in her sight. It was always like that after school time except there would always be a group of one or two standing and chattering along the hallway. Most of it are athletes who would stayed back for their practices.

Juhyun thought her day would end quietly as she was closing her lockers when suddenly she saw someone coming toward her direction. It was a man. She could tell from his silhouette. But she did not think he was walking to her since none of her friends were there at that time. Besides his face was blurry as she was not wearing her glasses. Therefore she decided to ignore him. She was about to leave when,

"You! Stay there!!"

Juhyun immediately turned to face him. "Me??" she said pointing at herself."

His face was becoming clearer as he was standing right in front of her. It was taehyung. Her new friend. They haven't spoken to each other since he saved her that day. They were in different classes so it was difficult to bump into each other.

She could see that taehyung's face was fuming red and his chest was rising up and down as he was trying to catch his breath. He seems unfriendly unlike the last time they met. As if he was mad at something.

"T-taehyung?! what are you doing here?" she asked.

"You! It was you right?!" he shouted while pointing his finger at juhyun. Unexpectedly the next thing she realised he was taking steps closer leaving only few inches between them. Juhyun was taken aback with his actions.

"what?? what are you talking about? why the hell are you shouting??" she asked half shouting. She was bemused with taehyung's behaviour. It was so sudden when she abruptly get yelled at for things she didn't know what's wrong.

He scoffed. "Playing innocent aren't you now" he smirked. Bewildered with his actions, juhyun decided to leave. She didn't have time for this madness.

Before she can even turn her feet, taehyung pushed her towards the locker and trapped her between his arms harshly.

"ouch!" she whimpered. She felt a sharp pain from her back colliding with the steel lockers. Her eyes was starting to brim with tears as he stared straight into her eyes. She tried her best not to let it fall. She won't let him see her being weak. That was one thing she learned from martial arts. Never let your guard down even when you're in pain.

"Taehyung! You are being ridiculous. Let me go this instant! Or i will shout!" she yelled while staring back into his eyes.

He smirked. She heard footsteps coming towards the hallway and soon enough she found herself being the center of attention from group of audiences from afar. She didn't like this. She wanted to run away. But taehyung didn't seems to care. He grabbed both of her wrists pinning it to the lockers besides her.

"Tell me juhyun. It was you right who started the lies of me getting yerim pregnant?" he said monotonously with anger visibles in his dark eyes. "I trusted you. I even saved your life for God sake! I thought you were different! I thought you're a nice girl. I was wrong. You are just the same with other girls who crave for attention!"

"what are you talking about! why would i do that!" this time juhyun's tears starting to fall. She struggled to free herself from his hold but failed. She felt  very devastated as she was wrongly accused. Her tears started to flow nonstop.

"The other day, you overheard my conversation with yeri! There's nobody else know about what we were talking about except for yeri and my circle of friends! My friends know that I wouldn't do such things and yeri swore she didn't started it. Why would she embarrassed herself with such rumours. She won't go that far. But now the whole school been saying yerim is pregnant and with my child at that. What the hell were you thinking?! There's nobody else there that day. Who could be spreading it to the school other than you!" he shouted in front of her face.

Juhyun couldn't take it any more. She never get yelled at like this. She is a nice girl. Hurting people is the last thing she would do even with skills of a fighter she owns. She felt so embarrassed when she heard the students began whispering among themselves.

Gathering all of her strength, she swiftly pulled both of her hands from taehyung's grips and slapped him in the face. Hard.

"Whatever it was you think i did, i dont do it! I was wrongly accused! I don't have time for this! You can go settle it with your girlfriend and don't involve me in your rich people crappy daily drama. Unlike some, poor people like me actually do appreciate education! Don't ever show your face to me again." she said.

Grabbing her bag, she quickly made her way out from the school and went back to her dormitory. Leaving taehyung all frustrated and dumbfounded in the hallway.

"You're going to get this woman! You'll pay the price." taehyung said to himself.

Juhyun slowly dragged her feet entering her room then quickly took off her uniform and climbed onto her bed. She flopped herself on the soft mattress burying her face into the pillow.

She couldn't believe what just happened. The whole accident was so unexpected.

She thought the next week was going to be a chance for her to make a good memories at the summer camp. Taehyung will join it too.

She thought she will have an excuse to talk to him. She wanted to repay his kindness for saving her life. And of course they can be friends. Juhyun always think taehyung as a gentleman.

But not until the whole scene that took place just now. She didn't mean to slap him. She felt so sorry after she did. She look at him in the eyes and wanted to say sorry. But she was so mad and embarrassed by the sudden incident. It wasn't entirely her fault right? She couldn't bring herself to say more words and left.

Maybe i'll talk to him later.

"Urghh this whole summer camp is going to be hell" she groaned.

A/N: it'd be a great if u can leave comments and let me know what u think about this fanfiction. i do enjoy reading your comments and it does encourage me to write more. sorry for the tons of angst, im a hopeless romantic I presume. — purpleheart

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