chapter 34

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Callie wasn't sure when rescuing a young Barack Obama from Grodd had turned into them harbouring Damien Darhk on the Waverider - but she was sure that she wasn't enjoying it at all.

In fact, she was sure that she would rather have let Grodd beat her into a pulp that even see Damien Darhk again and not be allowed to put an arrow threw his heart - again. The fact they were even holding him on the Waverider was sending angry shivers down her spine, and it was bringing up a lot of dark memories for the girl - from both their Earth and Earth-X.

"I assure you, this is completely unnecessary. I come, as they say, in peace," the blonde haired villain told them all as he waited for Ray and Rory to finish carving the magical spell on the ground. Sara had received the design for the spell from John but his messy handwriting did leave much to be desired.

"And I, as they say," Sara countered, noticing how Callie hadn't said a single word since the man had been brought on the ship. "...think you're full of crap."

Callie hummed in agreement, Ava standing beside her holding an automatic rifle. Callie didn't have the heart to tell the team that it would have any effect against the Darhk, especially since he had been able to stop arrows and knives in his direction before with a flick of his wrist.

"I'm a changed man, Sara," he tried to reason, knowing that no matter how believable he made it sound they would never believe the lie. He knew that Camilla Merlyn was never going to trust him but he needed to at least get the rest of the team on his side so that he could pull off his master plan to save his daughter. He'd lost her too many times before to allow this attempt to go wrong.

Sara didn't buy it at all.

"The only change I want to see you go through is from alive to dead. Ray, how we doing with Constantine's spell?" She asked, directing the latter half of her question to the man who was still staring in confusion at the markings draw on the ground.

"Just need one more splash of bat spleen. Sorry, bat. And that should do it!" Ray announced, him and Mick stepping back to see that literally nothing had happened at all. Darhk stared on with a roll in his eyes, no idea what was going on. "Mm. Maybe I missed an ingredient?"

"Your Ankh symbol, it's..." Damien started, sighing as he ran a hand over his face before pointing at the symbol that rested just past his feet. Callie sent him another glare from where she stood next to Ava as he finished his sentence. "'s upside down."

"Uh... No, it's not."

"Yes, it is," Darhk ensured, knowing more about magic than the entire lot fo them combined. "Ooh. I knew it'd be difficult to get you guys to trust me."

Callie twitched slightly, inching to get up and put an end to the man as he spoke. Sara felt her unease from behind her so she moved her hand, lightly grasping Callie's and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Callie softened her clenched jaw ever so slightly, but she wasn't about to start rejoicing for his presence.

"Hmm. Try impossible."

"Which is why I brought this gesture of good faith, the Water Totem. I borrowed it from my daughter after she ripped it from Kuasa's chest. Sorry about that, by the way. Do you guys mind if I give you a hand with this? You seem to be struggling a bit. Yeah? Okay, great."

Callie watched with narrow eyes as Darhk crouched down and rubbed away the symbol before redrawing it to face him instead. She knew this tactic of him appearing helpful was a way for him to weasel his way into avoiding certain death but she just didn't know what the play at hand was yet.

"Cool. Uh, now, uh, try to choke me," Ray said, everyone letting out groans and yelps of disapproval at his instructions. Darhk rolled his eyes before raising his arm and attempting to use his powers against the man. The team all breathed sighs of relief as it failed. "You... you can't."

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