chapter 28

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Callie jumped slightly as Wally suddenly zoomed out of the bridge, the bright yellow streak making her blink slightly as her hair fluttered from the sheer speed that he had whizzed by her at. Sara smiled softly across the room, forever finding it cute how Callie always seemed shocked when one of their team used their powers despite her being very aware they possessed them.

"How long do you think he'll take?" Ava asked outloud, an open question to try and calm down everyone's nerves at sending the newbie into saving Ray when he was being held by the Darhk's. Callie shrugged as she noticed that no one else was wanting to provide a guess, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips as she took Ava's bait.

The raven haired girl shrugged, zipping up the hoodie she was wearing as she felt a little colder. "He'll probably take a few minutes," Callie reckoned, expecting there to be a little scuffle between the two team members and the family that she was still itching to get out there and fight. No-one had let Callie anywhere near Nora or Damien since their reappearance, and while she understood the reasoning behind that decision, she was still annoyed at not being able to fight her nemesis.

Sara shook her head, smiling at Callie as the raven moved to stand next to her. The blonde knew that the girl was extremely worried about Ray but was trying to not show in in front of Rip. Sara had known Callie wasn't keen on the man after all the stories she had heard, but she also knew that Callie wasn't going to try and start anything with him for the time being.

Just before anyone else could say anything, two sets of footsteps made them all turn to see Ray and Wally come strolling into the bridge, everyone bursting into grins as they saw their teammate alive and well. Callie scanned Ray over carefully from her spot next to Sara, her eyes checking every movement he made to make sure that he wasn't trying to hide any injuries from them.

"Ray, thank God you're back," Sara told him, grinning from where she stood at the table. Callie moved from her spot next to the blonde and Nate released his best friend from their bro hug. Walking towards the sceintist, she pulled him into a hug - the surprise on all of the teams face also being reflected on Ray's face.

They knew that Callie valued them as family ever since they helped save her from Earth-X, but they really hadn't realised just how comfortable the girl was getting around them. Ray almost thought back to when Callie wanted nothing to do with any of them and had only joined their voyage to make sure Sara was safe, and now here she was making sure they all were safe.

"Yeah, dishes need cleaning," Mick said from behind them all, his beer resting on his knee as he sat on the steps that lead to the Captains room. Everyone chuckled slightly, the joke whooshing over Ray's head slightly since he didn't realise that was the only reason they had noticed he had gone missing originally.

"Ha! And I can't wait to get 'em done!" Ray exclaimed in delight as Callie released him, allowing his to swing an arm across her shoulders and keep her tucked under his arm. Everyone watched slightly amazed at how Callie was allowing the prolonged contact but no one was prouder than Sara. She had been waiting for the girl to fully accept that she was a part of the team and this seemed to have been the final turning moment for the Merlyn. "Rip nice to see... Wait, is it nice to see Rip?"

Everyone shared contemplating looks before Sara eventually shrugged and muttered a yeah, that certainly did not found very convincing. Callie sent the man a cold look as he began to speak, still very aware that the ex-assassin standing across from them might have warmed to the rest of the team but certainly not to him.

"I hope that your abduction afforded you some insights into our opponents' designs," Rip said, barely looking up as he felt his face heat up slightly from the look he could see that Callie was giving him. There were many things he had done wrong in the past, but playing with the team had certainly meant he was high up on the list of people that Callie didn't like and she wasn't going to hide that.

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