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    I told Jungkook everything. I told him about my entire life on the car ride back and how I was abandoned by my father and beaten by my mother. I told him about the bullying at school and how I had to drop out because I couldn't stand it. When we arrived at his house he engulfed me in a hug with tears in his eyes. He told me to stay in his room unless I wanted another room and I told him I'd be fine with a different room. He looked disappointed but I told him that I'd probably need to sleep in his room since I can hardly sleep on my own.
    Jungkook called his mom and explained this situation to her while I unpacked my clothes into the room right next to Jungkook's and I laid in the bed. Jungkook entered the room with a smile on his face. "She said that you can stay as long as you need, even if it means moving in. Of course we'd need to talk to my dad about that but either way you can stay for as long as you need." I smiled at him.
    My stomach grumbled loudly and Jungkook's smile fell a little. "Haven't eaten?" I shook my head. "It's almost dinner time. We can go out to eat." He grabbed my hand and together we walked down his street. We approached a strip mall where he led me to a restaurant that looked casual. He asked for a table for two and the young woman working there smiled as she glanced down at our hands and then led us to a table near a window.
    We ordered two waters with lemons for drinks and Jungkook ordered me a cheese pizza for us to share. When our food came I was so hungry I ate most of the pizza. When Jungkook looked at me shocked due to the rate I was eating the pizza, I blushed and looked down. "I didn't eat dinner last night, breakfast, or lunch." He smiled and shook his head.
    "Eat as much as you need," he said gently. After dinner we walked around hand in hand. We talked about things like our favorite colors, our dream jobs, and other basic things like that. I told him that I wanted to be a makeup artist because in middle school I used makeup a lot to cover bruises and then I became really good at it. He told me that he wanted to be a singer in a band that would become the most popular in the world.
When we got back to Jungkook's house, we walked up the stairs listening to the way our footsteps echoed. Jungkook suddenly stopped me when we were in a ray of the dying sunshine. He put his arms around my waist and brought me closer so that our hips and chests touched but our faces were apart by centimeters. "You have the most beautiful eyes," he said in a husky voice. Our lips connected and I brought my hands around his neck and grabbed his hair.
Jungkook traced my lips with his tongue and I opened my mouth slightly. He deepened the kiss and for what seemed like forever we stood in the last ray of sun kissing intensely. When we pulled apart, a string of saliva connected us. I whipped my head to the side embarrassed. Jungkook chuckled and stroked my hair, playing with it softly.
Reluctantly, we left our spot on the stairs and walked all the way up, which was tiring. I was starting to understand why Jungkook had such amazing thighs. When we reached our rooms, we said goodnight and parted ways. I closed my bedroom door and walked to the bed where my bag of clothes sat. I pulled off my clothes and looked at my scarred body. Ruined skin. My skin was ruined because of me.
I looked at my naked body. Even if Jungkook were to really love me, we'd never go farther than kissing. No one would want to fuck an ugly person. Someone who's skin is covered in suicidal scars. I looked down at my feet after the thought of fucking Jungkook came to my mind. He would never. End of story.
I pulled a overly large shirt that dropped down to above my mid thigh. It was black with a white bunny on the left chest just above my heart. I smiled looking at it and then climbed into bed. The sheets were soft and comfortable, but I couldn't fall asleep. Thoughts of doubt and sadness filled my mind.
Eventually I couldn't take it and left the bedroom. I walked over to Jungkook's door and opened it. Inside, Jungkook was under the covers, slowly waking up to the noise I made. "Kookie, could I sleep here tonight. I can't fall asleep." He only moved so there was room next to him and smiled tiredly at the sound of my voice.
I slipped into his satin sheets. Jungkook immediately wrapped an arm around my waist and stuck his leg in between mine. We laid like this while I drifted to sleep listening to his steady breathing and feeling his chest rise up and down with each breath. My body slowly fell asleep and I didn't even realize it but Jungkook's hand had slipped into mine and we slept the whole night holding hands.

I do love you // Jungkook x depressed! readerWhere stories live. Discover now