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    Jungkook had to leave for work that day but it was the weekend so I didn't have work. I played around with Nabi a little bit, ate breakfast, and took a shower (with the doors open to let Nabi run in because he won't stop checking up on me). I was taking him for a walk when a man passed me.
    He looked at the scars on my arms and legs and scrunched up his face. "Guess you were a failure at ending your life, too." I tried to ignore his comment but tears pricked my eyes. He had no clue what I have been through. Why did he feel like he had a right to say that?
    We were walking to my apartment when the woman passed us. She looked down at my dog and back up to me. "It's about time you did something useful." Tears pressed against the back of my eyes, my vision blurring. When we walked back in, Nabi rushed to the water bowl while I slid against the door.
    Tears feel down my cheeks and I sobbed. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was going to pass out. But then Nabi ran up to me. He slipped into my lap and nuzzles his face against mine, licking my cheeks as if he was licking away the tears.
    I calmed down while petting Nabi, feeling my body come back into control. I took shaky breaths while staring at him. I smiled and Nabi licked my nose gently. I giggled and picked him up, carrying him over to my bed where we curled up together and watched Netflix.
    When I got up, I walked onto my patio. I never really payed attention to it but now, with Nabi with me, it felt like a great place to be on days off. Nabi and I left and grabbed flower pots. I set them up along the edge of the "lawn." I laid down on the warm grass and Nabi curled up into me, falling asleep.
The front door opened and I looked up to see Jungkook standing at the entrance of our make shift lawn. "I have an interview tomorrow. You should come along and watch."
    I looked up at him lazily and smiled. "Sure. I'd love to. I haven't seen the boys in a while."
    "Only a couple of weeks," he said while chuckling. He walked up to me and laid down next to me with Nabi in between us. "Do you like having Nabi here for you?"
    "I love him, Jungkook. Thank you."
    That night for dinner we had pizza and watched a romance movie. At the mushy scenes, Jungkook would scrunch up his nose and say something like "Ew, how do like this stuff" or "The only true love in my life is this pizza." I scoffed but curled up into him, breathing his scent deeply. We fell asleep on the couch like that, curled up into each other.
    In the morning, I fed Nabi while Jungkook left early to be with the rest of BTS. I grabbed Nabi and headed down to the bus station, where we left South to the building where the interview was. The interview was to be live in front of a live audience, so I was nervous. People don't tend to look at me like I'm a model, but rather question why Jungkook could ever love me.
    I was sitting backstage with one of the stylists when the interviewer turned to Jungkook. "So, Jungkook. You have a girlfriend, (Y/n). Correct?"
    The man chuckled and shook his head. "Why do you love her?"
    "She's beautiful and kind. She took care of me even when I was a jerk to her."
    "But don't you agree when I say that she's kind of ugly?" The whole room fell dead silent. My eyes widened as I stared at the man. His eyes flickered over to me before settling on Jungkook.
    "What did you say," Jungkook hissed, balling up his fists. His arms bulged due to being so tense and the veins in his neck protruded out. His jaw was set tight as he stared at the man.
    "Well, she's not exactly easy on the eyes. Definitely not with her skin," he said, smirking at the effect. Jimin's jaw clenched, Taehyung began to glare with dark eyes, Jin clenched his fist and gave a threatening look, Namjoon stuck his nose in the air preparing to tell him off, Yoongi's eyes darkened as he glared at the ground, and Hobi's eyes widened and his lips pressed into a thin line.
    "Don't you dare speak about (Y/n) that way. Don't even say her name you..." he trailed off knowing he wasn't allowed to curse on live television. My eyes blurred with tears. Everyone must hate me if a man who didn't even know me began trashing me.
    But then the chanting started.
    People in the crowd began chanting my name in an angry manner with the occasional "Shut the fuck up!" and "Like you look any better you old hag!" My eyes widened at the sight of so many people supporting me.
    Jungkook stood up from his seat and strode over to him. "Don't talk about my girlfriend like that ever again! Because whether you like it or not, you don't matter! And one day, she will be my wife!"

I do love you // Jungkook x depressed! readerWhere stories live. Discover now