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The man looked up at Jungkook with a slightly surprised look. The crowd quieted down and watched with intensity. Namjoon stood up and walked over to the man, towering over him.
"First off, she is a beautiful young woman who is one of the strongest people I know. Second, you have a major problem if you think it's all in good fun to bash people who struggle with their self-esteem and depression. Third, that comment was completely uncalled for and I hope you get fired. This interview is about our newest album, not (Y/n)." As Namjoon spoke, Jungkook glared at the man, looking like he was ready to break his face.
"Don't talk about my Jagi -hell- don't LOOK at my Jagi ever again. You are a disgusting human being," He seethed. Jungkook stormed off the stage in anger and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "Let's go home, baby. Are you okay?"
I nodded. I felt hurt but happy at the same time. Their fans had come to me and supported me against a hater. I wanted to run up to every person in the audience and hug them telling them thanks.
We walked down the street, letting Nabi walk on his leash as we made the long way home. "I'm sorry about him. I don't know why someone would say that."
"It's fine, Kookie. Thank you for supporting me up there." He pulled me into a one arm hug and rested his head on top of mine.
    When we got home, Jungkook went to take a shower and I sat on the couch. I pulled out my phone and downloaded twitter. I set up my account and made one tweet about thanking the Army's who supported me today. I turned off my phone and waited for Jungkook to be done.
    I stripped off my clothes in the bathroom, staring at my face. The bags under my eyes have reduced and my skin seemed to be fuller and healthier. I stepped into the cool water of the shower and relaxed my body. As I washed my hair I kept thanking every body under my breath for what they did to support me.
    I stepped out and pulled a towel on. I glanced down at my phone and saw twitter notifications.
    We love you, (Y/n). Don't worry about him.
    He's just a dick. Don't worry, he got fired after the show.
    You should've seen Yoongi after you guys left. He had to be held back because he was trying to hit him.
    You're so beautiful, I don't understand why he made that comment.
    You're welcome, (Y/n). The Army's are here for you!
Jungkook's so lucky to have you you're so beautiful!
    Tears formed in my eyes and I looked back up into the mirror and smiled. I pulled on my pajamas and walked out as tears streamed down my face. I sat on my bed and stared at my phone.
Jungkook walked in and shot my a worried look. I gave him a smile and looked back down at my phone. So many people supported me, yet I only focused on the people who hated me. "Are you okay?"
I rubbed my eyes and smiled, laughing at my current state. "I'm doing amazing, Jungkook. You're lucky to have your Army's. They really are the best." He walked up and I gave him my phone. He looked at all the comments and grinned.
"Of course they love my Jagi! How could anyone not?" He said, beaming. I smiled shyly at him and took my phone back. Together we sat in bed and watched some of Taehyung's newest drama. I began crying when Tae's "crush" slapped him and made fun of him. The things she said and did, I could relate so much due to my past.
When the day was fully over, Nabi jumped on our bed and curled up in between me and Jungkook. Jungkook smiled down at him stroked his head. "Good night, (Y/n)."
I sat at my desk, head low. The kids surrounded me, laughing at me. One kid pulled up my sleeve to show my scars off to the others. They all laughed. One boy walked up to me with a menacing grin on his face.
"What a waste," he said, chuckling. Everyone laughed. Someone threw a book at my head, but I just sat there, head low taking it all. My eyes were wide and filled with tears. My fists were clenched and my breathing was shallow. He slammed his hand on my desk, causing me to jump and look up at him, eyes filled with tears.
"That's it!" He shouted. "I told you not to look at me with those disgusting eyes of yours ever again!" The girls who surrounded him giggled as if this was all a joke. But then again, my whole fucking life was a joke.
"I'll teach you," he said deeply, grabbing the front of my shirt and pulling me up to his level. He shoved me down on the ground and I curled up to protect my head. "I'll teach you one way or another." He picked up my chair and smiled.
"Even if it means cracking your head open!"

The girls surrounded me in the bathroom, laughing maniacally. One skank who wore clothes too tight walked up to me and yanked on my hair. "God, you really stink. Guess we should... wash up." She jerked my head down and the rest of the girls followed her as she dragged me into the stall.
They all pulled out their phones and recorded me as my head was shoved into the toilet repeatedly. My lungs felt as if they were about to burst but every time I tried to gasp for air, she'd shove my head deeper. My whole body shook as I was surrounded by their loud laughter. My head was yanked out and I could hear words being whispered. Pathetic. Loser. Slut.
"Let that be a lesson to you."

Okay so, I dunno if this is correct cuz my brain just went into overdrive when I saw that I had 2k reads. HOLY FLUFF THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!

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