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I sat in the toilet, slightly panicking. It's been three months. Why hasn't it happened yet? Why am I still waiting? I squeezed my eyes shut and took deep breaths. It's okay. I'll just go to the doctor. I stood up and flushed the toilet as a cover. I washed my hands, looking into the mirror with worried eyes. I was having dinner with the boys and I thought I felt it, but I didn't.
I left the public restroom and made my way back to the table where the boys were still waiting for our food. Jin was bouncing in his seat impatiently, waiting for our waiter to show up with our food. I took my seat next to Jungkook and stared at the table. What the hell is going on?
We talked about things like how their album was coming along and how work was for me. I complained about how tired I was and how my boss won't give me a nap time and Namjoon began laughing, telling me that at least I wasn't an idol. We kept up the friendly talk while we waited for our dinner. Taehyung began telling a story about his baby nephew and how he constantly cried whenever he picked him up without his mom in the room.
It was a cute story and kind of funny when Taehyung started pouting when Yoongi said that he doesn't blame the baby. I was so nervous. What was happening to me?
We got our food and I felt starved. I ate every bite quickly, almost as fast as Jin. Jungkook chuckled and wiped my mouth. I downed my water and stretched. I was sitting, staring at my hands while tapping my feet. I stood up and said I have to take a phone call. Jungkook frowned, noticing my anxiousness.
    I stepped outside of the restaurant and shivered. The air was turning colder and the leaves were turning brighter. I pulled out my phone and dialed my doctor. After a long conversation, we decided that tomorrow morning I would have my appointment because it was the only time she was free until the next couple of weeks.
I walked back inside and saw the boys sitting at the table waiting for me. I rushed over to them and apologized for my lack of presence. They said it was fine and smiled. We ordered some dessert and then together, we drove to my apartment building where I was to be dropped off. I left without Jungkook since they had early morning practice tomorrow so he was going to sleep at the dorms. I walked into my apartment and said hello to an energetic Nabi.
I pulled off my clothes and took a shower. Then I changed into my pajamas and laid in bed. Nabi jumped up on the bed and rested his head on my stomach. I smiled and let his head. For some reason, I felt so exhausted and I fell asleep in only a couple of minutes.
When I woke up I rushed my morning routine and took Nabi with me to the doctor's. When we were waiting, little kids kept asking me to pet him, but their parents kept saying no since he was a service dog. My name was called and I walked after the nurse.
I stepped on a scale and the nurse checked the weight. "Gained some weight," she said quietly. I frowned and stared down at Nabi who seemed excited for some reason. She checked my height and then took me to a room. When I sat down, Nabi jumped up next to me and rested his head on my stomach. It's strange, he used to never do this, but now, for the last couple of months, he's been doing that.
The doctor came in and together we talked. We talked about the possibilities of what it might be and she told me to be ready for anything. She asked me for a urine sample to finally know what was wrong. I nodded and walked to the bathroom.
When I was done, I washed my hands and took the container. My legs shook as I walked, nervous for the results. My doctor took the container and left to test it. I nervously pet Nabi's head, waiting for her to get back. I took deep breaths and tried not to panic when she was gone.
After what seemed like forever, my doctor walked into the room. She handed me the results with a smile and said, "Don't worry Ms. (L/n)."

"You're pregnant."

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