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    I woke up to heart monitors. The ceiling was white and the lights were too bright for my liking. My neck felt swollen and I had a bad headache. I couldn't hear anything and my vision was blurry. Slowly everything came back to me. My suicide attempt. I failed again.
    I was about to cry when my hearing came in. I could hear sobs and pleads. They sounded distant like the person was standing at the other end of a tunnel. I tried to move my head but I couldn't. I felt paralyzed.
    "I'm so sorry (Y/n). I never meant for this to happen. I was so excited to see you... oh god! This is all my fault! Please! I love you (Y/n)! I love you! Please don't die. Please keep fighting! Please!"
    "Jungkook-ah. Go to sleep. This isn't going to change anything. Just go to sleep. Calm down. The more you freak ou-"
    "Shut up Yoongi! You don't know anything! All you care about is your rap verses! But this girl is the only person I want to spend my life with! You don't understand it Hyung! But I love her! If you don't like it, then leave!"
    He came back.
    Yoongi had gone quiet. I heard the door open and a female voice cut into the sound of Jungkook's sobs. "She's lucky. Many people who survive hanging themselves end up with brain damage. You managed to save her just in time. She'll be fine."
    I closed my eyes. Jungkook saved me. God I should have waited. I should have waited and welcomed him home.
"Jungkook-ah. I'm sorry. I guess I don't understand. But I understand what she feels. I understand wanting to die. I understand not feeling loved. You should keep it up. She might hear you and find the strength to fight."
I'm tried to move my hand but I couldn't. "The doctor said she might be paralyzed for a little bit until her body recovers from... what happened. She might even hear us now."
I tried to tell Jungkook that I was here. That I was listening. That I was fighting to see his face again. I felt his warm hand slip into mine. "Jagi, if you can hear me, please don't give up. Please. I need you more than I need water. More than I need oxygen. My life depends on you. If you die now, I don't know what I'd do without you. We still have so much to do. Remember that ring. The one you're wearing right now on this very hand. It's a promise that one day you'll walk down an isle in a beautiful gown. It's a promise that one day we'll be a family of our own. Please don't break that promise (Y/n). I need you to fight for me."
I could hear someone crying. Get up dammit. Kiss him. You need him and he needs you. Get up. Get up! Despite my mind's wishes, my body didn't move. I opened my eyes and fought to move my hand. Move it! Please!
I ended up only twitching my finger, but it was enough for Jungkook. He looked up and saw my eyes open. He began sobbing loudly and he engulfed me in a hug. "I love you (Y/n)! I love you! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" My neck hurt from his hug but I wasn't going to complain. First off, I physically couldn't and I wouldn't even want to. His skin was smooth like I imagined once the memory slipped from my head. His hair was soft and fluffy.
God I missed him. His scent was definitely more masculine than I remember. He smelled like sweat, lavender soap, and something unique that was just his. I wanted to hug him and kiss him so bad. I'll just have to wait until I get better.
"It's okay Hobi-ah. She woke up."
"It's happy tears, Jin hung. I'm happy. It's happy tears."
I was in physical therapy a week later. Jungkook always at and watched me every time he could. I still had bruises on my neck from where the noose had cut into my skin. I continued my walking exercises for the day before my trainer released me.
"Hiya beautiful. You look hot when you're working out." I rolled my eyes at Jungkook.
"Oh please. I can't walk without a cane. It'll be awhile before I can even consider running. Not that I mind of course. I have no problem with having a valid excuse not to work out."
Jungkook chuckled and stood up, draping an arm over my shoulder. So, (Y/n). What movie are we watching tonight. Or do you want to skip the movie part and get down to the fun."
I giggled. "Yeah right. I'd pass out. I have absolutely no stamina." Jungkook kissed my nose softly, just like how I dreamed he would during those three years he was gone.
"Oh, by the way (Y/n). I bought you an apartment near the dorms. I'm not letting you live alone once I go back to Seoul."
"Have I ever told you that I love you more than everyone's love in the world combined, Jungkook?"

I do love you // Jungkook x depressed! readerWhere stories live. Discover now