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DEMI P.O.V.: A few days later I received a call from Nick, he wanted to meet in the record company to talk about a possible duet, I said yes and I went to see him after having breakfast.

Nick: good morning Demi (he kissed my head as he walked in the office)

Demi: morning Buddy 

After a few minutes agreeing things about the single, he went home again to continue writing songs and other things and I decided to stay in my office writing or trying to do it, since I didn't get much. It was lunchtime when I stopped to go to Mc Donald's to get a burger with fries with cheddar cheese and bacon. 

After that, I went back to the record company to have lunch there ... I was walking down the aisle with my bag of food when I heard a familiar voice, I was going to greet the person with the familiar voice when I stopped dead in the door of that lounge to see that Lauren Jauregui wasn't alone, but, with Simon Cowell. 

She saw me but I beckoned her not to say anything, so she just kept talking to him and I ran to my office to lock myself up to avoid more problems. I spent several hours there, eating my fries and spying from my window that practically gave that room, Simon isn't so different just a few more wrinkles but I think the beard looks good and makes him sexy, I saw him laugh and I remembered why I liked to make him laugh always ...I loved his smile, he had never been a very happy man but I thought that, well, I was his solution and it seems that i wasn't really. A few hours later, Lauren stayed there and he left, so I went out to greet her.

Demi: Hi baby (I hugged her) 

Lauren: Hi, my beautiful (she was telling me some things about her new album when her cell phone rang). Excuse me? It's Dinah 

Demi: (nodded) go ahead, I'll wait here (she smiled at me and left the room where we were, I went into the recording environment and I took my guitar that was between others, I was going to start playing when someone came into the room, I assumed it was Lauren so I left there to keep talking ... but it wasn't her) oh, it's you 

Simon: good afternoon Demetria ... we hadn't see each other long ago, well, if we consider the wedding incident not so long ago but I prefer not to consider it 

Demi: well, it happened so why not consider it ... everything I said at that moment is true (he stared at my hair) why are you looking at me that much? 

Simon: you have blonde hair again 

Demi: yes, I wanted a change and it was the one that convinced me the most 

Simon: it looks the same as 5 years ago 

Demi: (I looked at him laughing) Back then you didn't seem to like my hair ... or anything about me basically 

Simon: you know it's not true 

Demi: I'm not idiot Simon, I always knew that you only loved me out of pity and of course, because it was good for your program that I did all the things I did 

Simon: Well, if we're going to tell us things like that ... well then, i always knew that you were close to me to gain fame.

Demi: you're stupid (I said with tears in my eyes)

Simon: are you going to play the victim again?

Demi: oh God ... you always thought that about me? never in those two years in which we were well ... I never played the role of victim with you and you know

Simon: You say no, but I remember very well how you cried that day when I told you that we should get away because they were mixing things

Demi: okay yes, I cried but it was not pretending to be the victim (I said drying the tears that fell from my eyes)

Simon: admit it, if that was why ... why else would it be?

Demi: maybe it was because I loved you (I whispered as I cried)

Simon: what? I can't hear you

Demi: leave it, Simon, things are already done and if you think that I only did it to play the victim, keep thinking about it but it's not true (I wrapped up and took my bag to get out of there)

Simon: Yes, it's very typical of you to leave when things get ugly

Demi: (I turned to see him crying) Well, you want to know what's typical of you? Let go someone who really loves you and right now you're going to do it one more time (he didn't even move and he had tears in his eyes too) you see? I told you (I left there and sent a message apologizing to Lauren for leaving without saying goodbye)

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