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DEMI P.O.V .: The next morning I got up early and went to buy something that could be used to make lunch for Simon and Eric. I ended up buying things to make pasta, then I ordered my house a little and I took out the things that could be broken by the doubts that Eric wanted them to play. I started cooking and the doorbell rang ... I went to open the door no matter if I was dressed in practical pajamas and no makeup.

Demi: hi (I was surprised to see her there)

Lauren S: It was your fault, right?

Demi: sorry ... I don't know what you're talking about

Lauren: Of course you know, Simon left me last night because he found out I was cheating on him

Demi: oh ... I didn't know that (I lied)

Lauren: you're a poisonous vibrating slut (she said hating me)

Demi: Well, it's not me the one who cheated on the father of his son

Lauren: you filled Simon's head and that's why he broke up with me

Demi: in fact ... I didn't do anything, it was his decision

Lauren: what do you want from me? Is not enough for you to sleep with Simon? Now you want to steal my son too?

Demi: First of all Lauren, I don't want anything from you, second, I would never try to separate a mother from her son even if she deserves it, and third but not least, I haven't slept with Simon

Lauren: don't lie bitch ... of course you've slept with him, that's why he doesn't want to have sex with me, because he already has them with you

Demi: Simon and I haven't had sex, understand

Lauren: Well, you shouldn't have gone that far but I'm sure it's among your intentions

Demi: look piece of shit, Simon is a very attractive man and yes, I admit that I have a little crush on him, but it isn't in my intentions to have sex with him, we have not even kissed at any time in all the years since we know each other ... It's not my fault that he doesn't want to have sex with you, it's you who didn't turn him on. I don't want to steal anything from you, Simon or your son ... but life does what it wants, so if I do, it will not be on purpose; What I can assure you is that Eric wouldn't have a stepmother to leave him alone when he is sick and Simon would be happy once and for all. Now excuse me, I have things to do, thanks for coming but never come back, luck in life (I was going to close the door but I opened it again to say something else) Oh, I forgot a detail ... don't worry about Symie, he will have all the doses of sex he needs, the ones he didn't want you to give him. Goodbye sweetheart (I slammed the door and returned to finish the meal, then I changed my clothes for something that was casual too and I just put on makeup lipstick.)

I went down to finish the meal, which I think will be delicious and the house bell rang again. I went to open and left the food served at the table.

Demi: hi (I greeted Eric) listen, the food is already ready so you can go wash your hands before lunch

Eric: Okay Demi, where's the bathroom?

Demi: umm, come ... I'll take you there (Simon waited for my greeting but I went to take Eric to the bathroom) here is

Eric: okay, thanks ... in a few minutes I'll be back in the kitchen

Demi: fine (I went out and Simon was looking at the table that I had prepared, I touched his shoulder and turned to see me) I'm sorry, I should've greeted you when you arrived but your son didn't know where the bathroom was ... hello (I kissed his cheek)

Simon: careless ... hello

Demi: first we have lunch and then we talk about everything we have to tell each other

Simon: great (Eric entered the dining room and we sat down to the table, I served the pasta and we started eating ... I was proud of how good the food was)

Eric: this is delicious! (I laughed)

Demi: thank you honey, I wanted you to like it (I saw Simon looking at us with a strange face)

Eric: what do you think dad?

Simon: Um, what were you talking about?

Eric: lunch is delicious ... right?

Simon: everything is perfect
Demi (he smiled at me and i blushed, so he started laughing)

Demi: don't laugh Simon, it's not funny

Eric: What thing Demi?

Simon: she is embarrassed because we praise her so much

Eric: then we should stop doing it ... if it makes her uncomfortable we should stop bothering her, dad (I smiled listening to how smart and kind that child was)

Demi: you're a beautiful child Eric, I'm surprised that at an age as young as yours, you know that kind of values

Eric: Dad showed them to me (I looked at Simon and he smiled at me)

Demi: then you have a very good father

Simon: thanks brat

Eric: I've finished eating, can I get off the table?

Demi: go, in the living room you surely find something to entertain yourself with, videogames, tv and many other things

Simon: be careful, son, you can't break anything

Demi: careless, I already took everything that could break (Eric went to the next room and I got ready to remove all things from the table)

Simon: hold on, I help you (he took the dishes from my hands and took them to the kitchen. When we finished cleaning the table and put the dishes to wash, I called him)

Demi: Simon ... where do you want us to talk?

Simon: anywhere, i just want to talk

Demi: yeah, but we have to be near to the little boy

Simon: exactly

Demi: how about the stairs?

Simon: are you serious?

Demi: oh come on...you just have to sit at the steps and we'll talk...it's not that bad, you know?

Simon: let's see (we went to the stairs un front of the living room and sat on the steps)

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