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Demi P.O.V .: I had Simon above me and I really wanted to have sex with him. But just when he started kissing my neck, horrible memories came to me.

Demi: Simon, wait (he was very deep in himself leaving wet kisses on my collarbone) stop, please stop (he looked me in the eyes and he got off me just when the tears were fighting to get out of my eyes)

Simon: Dem, are you okay?

Demi: I'm sorry (I got up from the bed and went to my room.)

Once there, I locked the door and I threw myself into my bed to cry. That night I fell asleep from crying, the next morning I realized that, maybe, my way of leaving last night had hurt Simon, or maybe he hated me now. I gave myself a hot bath and dressed in jeans and a sweater with black slippers, I left my hair loose and natural and just put on lip balm.

When I went down to breakfast, Simon was making a smoothie, so I approached silently and hugged him from behind.

Simon: Hi Demi

Demi: hi...do you think we can talk? (He turned on his feet and looked me in the eyes) I'm sorry Simon, really, I wanted to end the night but some not very nice memories got into my head and You have no idea how bad I feel about leaving you without any explanation.

Simon: it's good love, you don't have to give me explanations ... if you don't want, you don't want ... you must have your reasons and I respect them, I will always do it (I took his face with my hands and, standing on my toes , I kissed him delicately)

Demi: Thanks for being so understanding, my little heart

Simon: do you want breakfast? I'm hungry

Demi: of course, we're going to eat something (sitting in the breakfast room, I kept looking at a map of the house) hey Simey, I didn't know that your house was so big ... I want us to take a tour, trying all the places

Simon: okay, we can go to a lot of rooms, my love

Demi: do you know something? I like you to call me "your love"

Simon: you are (I got off the stool where I was sitting and I approached to kiss him passionately)

Demi: let's go baby (I said hugging him)

Simon: okay (we went together touring the familiar places first until we got to the cinema) do you want us to see something?

Simon: okay (we went together touring the familiar places first until we got to the cinema) do you want us to see something?

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Demi: videos of Simon when he was a teenager

Simon: that's not fair baby but...okay, come here (we sat on the places) here we go (he put on his prom party vids and started laughing)

Demi: look how sexy my love was

Simon: i was?

Demi: you are Simey (i sat on his lap and kissed him) i wanna see the other places of the house

Simon: let's see the bar

Demi: mmmm i like that (he gave me a peck and we went to the next room)

Demi: mmmm i like that (he gave me a peck and we went to the next room)

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Demi: men! This isn't a bar this is just an amazing paradise

Simon: oh no baby, you don't know which one is a paradise

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