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Doctor: okay, I must give you some indications Miss

Demi: tell me

Doctor: well, you should see every 2 hours that his monitors are as they are now, if something changes call a nurse; the patient can't be disturbed because he could suffer another heart attack and above all, show him affection, maybe he needs it (that part of the plan, I loved it)

Demi: the gentleman will not be lacking affection

Doctor: I don't doubt it, have a quiet night ... see you tomorrow

Dimon: thank you, equally (we looked at each other when the doctor left and she came to sit next to me in the chair)

Simon: I'm a little sleepy, it bothers you if-?

Demi: of course not Simey, sleep

Simon: mmm, I like you to call me Simey ... it makes me think that you love me, a little

Demi: Shut up ... you know I love you very much Simon Cowell

Simon: Yes, I know...but I wanted you to be angry

Demi: that will not happen

Simon: I want to sleep a little

Demi: okay, I'll take care of you ... so sleep quiet

Simon: Demi, could you give me a blanket? I'm cold

Demi: of course (I put a blanket carefully on his legs and kissed his forehead gently) rests Cowell

Simon: just a few minutes

I sat next to him to read and then they brought us dinner for both. I walked to him to wake him up to eat something but I didn't want to do it, he was so peaceful sleeping ... I caressed his face and kissed his cheek.

Simon: mmmm (opened his eyes) what time is it?

Demi: dinner time

Simon: Oh, I'm a little hungry ... can you pass me my food?

Demi: Sure, take (I gave him his tray and I sat on the stretcher looking at him with my dinner. We both started to eat and when he had finished his meal, put his hand on my knee looking at me carefully) what?

Simon: I don't deserve you to be by my side

Demi: Shut up now...you deserve this and much more, besides, I would never leave you alone and less at a time like this

Simon: did you know you're an angel?

Demi: (laughed) I'm not, I've done very bad things too (I meant it but apparently someone had a very dirty mind)

Simon: you don't need to presume your active sex life to an old man of my age

Demi: I wasn't doing it ... but it seems that someone has a very dirty mind

Simon: Shut up, you little brat, your mind is much dirtier than mine...I can bet it
Demi: I don't think so (we laughed for a few seconds and then his face became serious)

Simon: Dem

Demi: tell me

Simon: it's true that...a few months ago I read that as a child you had been sexually abused, is that true? (I didn't expect that question and I hadn't talked about it with too many people, I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk it with Simon) Listen, you do not need to tell me anything

Demi: Excuse me, it's not that I don't want to do it, really...but I don't know if I'm ready to do it yet

Simon: shh, careless pretty, you can do it when you're ready ... I'll always be there for you now (he took my hand and kissed it sweetly while I just smiled like a fool in love)

Demi: every day I am more surprised by how important you have become in my life, I swear

Simon: Do you want me, Demi?

Demi: are you asking me if "I want you"? (laugh) Of course I want you stupid, I don't know if I should love you the way I do... but I can assure you that I have a lot of appreciation for you

Simon: in what way do you love me?

Demi: don't get in there, at least not until we're home

Simon: (he looked at me surprised) we? me and who else?

Demi: well I don't even dream on leave you alone after what happened to you ... I'll move in with you every night and practically every day

Simon: who could have Demi Lovato sleeping at home every night?

Demi: Well, if you add the part where it's just so you don't die it doesn't sound so nice anymore, right? (He laughed and patted the stretcher beside him leaving me place)

Simon: come here little girl (I settled next to her taking care not to disconnect a cable and I looked into her eyes)

Demi: can this be done?

Simon: I don't care about a horn Miss Lovato, I want us to sleep like that

Demi: I hug you or you hug me?

Simon: I...you deserve a bit of love, I think (we put on the spoon style and he hugged me around the waist and then left a kiss on my head) sleep well heart, I need you to be perfect in the morning

Demi: sleep well you too Simey, dream of the little angels

Simon: for what? I'm alredy hugging one (I smiled and kissed his hand)

Demi: love you
Simon: love you so much much more (we slept a few minutes later)

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