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DEMI P.O.V.: When I arrived at my house I kept waiting for Simon's message and it was taking a long time to arrive, I would lie if I said that I wasn't afraid of not hearing from him in half an hour or more ... I waited, waited and waited; Just when I was determined to call him, I got a message from him.

Simon: Hi Demi, sorry if I delayed sending you the message, it happens that when I got home, Eric suffered a small faint and then a fever and we had to bring him to the L.A. hospital ... I didn't want to worry about me, I arrived well

Demi: Oh don't worry ... Eric is fine?

Simon: I really don't know, they still haven't told us what they have and Lauren is going to travel right now because her father is very sick in Italy

Demi: are you going to stay alone?

Simon: Yes, Lauren has just left

Demi: ummm, okay ... keep me up to date and tomorrow we'll talk again Simon

Simon: okay, I'll call you later

Demi: okay, bye

Simon: goodbye

I tried to sleep, I really did ... but I couldn't get it, so after half an hour of that, I took a quick bath and got dressed, I made a coffee (remember it was 4 or something like that in the morning) and I went to the hospital. I didn't know if what I was doing was the right thing to do, but I did it anyway, when I arrived I asked about the pediatric floor and when they told me where I was, I went quickly to the emergencies, there was Simon in a chair with his head in his hands, I approached slowly and sat next to him, when he looked up he saw me and smiled surprised.

Simon: you should not come

Demi: yes, I know ... but shut up, I couldn't sleep so I decided to come and accompany you

Simon: you are a person of gold

Demi: not so much ... do you want coffee? there is a machine here but I know you don't like machine coffee so I brought a thermos with that from my house

Simon: You know you're the best person in the world, right?

Demi: no, enough is enough (I gave him some coffee and we were there waiting, surprising I was not sleepy) haven't told you anything yet?

Simon: no, they have only gone out to look for things but nobody said anything, they are doing many studies

Demi: neglect, it's not something serious

Simon: how do you know?

Demi: because if it was, someone would have told you something

Simon: I hope so

Demi: are you sleepy?

Simon: something, but I must be awake until I know something about Eric

Demi: why don't you go and wash your face? maybe you'll be able to wake up a bit
Simon: I don't want to miss news

Demi: go, I'll be right here if something happens and I'll go find you

Simon: ummm ... okay, thanks, it'll only be a few seconds (I nodded and he left)

SIMON P.O.V .: I was very surprised at how Demi was getting involved with all this, I mean, she had hated me all these years and after a night of approach, here she is, at 6 a.m. next to me in a hospital waiting to hear from my son, being the best person I could have met and doing all the things that Lauren should be doing, but she went to see her dying father. I left the bathroom and saw Demi talking to a doctor, I was going to rush to hear the news but seeing her smile with the doctor I knew that everything was fine, so I continued walking slowly admiring her; and yes, a blow of repentance hit me in the heart ... because deep down I know, however impossible it may seem, that if I had done things right at the time, maybe she would be the mother of my children.

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