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DEMI P.O.V .: And I could swear that this was the happiest and sad moment (at the same time) of my life. I approached a prudent distance from him, and he opened his eyes to look at me.

Simon: darling (his voice sounded husky)

Demi: hello Simon

Simon: what a cold greeting you gave me (he smiled a little and closed his eyes while I started to cry, I couldn't contain my emotions ... I had endured all day, but it was too much)

Simon: what hap-

Demi: I'm sorry, I'm sorry ... I know I shouldn't cry, I should be strong so you feel more motivated to get better, but I've been carrying this anguish for the whole damn day and I just need to let it out (I couldn't stop my crying , but I was away from him so I wouldn't be consoled either)

Simon: Demi, that's enough, do not cry, little one

Demi: I'm sorry, I'm just a stupid 26 year old girl who doesn't know how to do anything but cry

Simon: shh, don't say that about you ... you're very smart and talented, and it's okay to cry if you need to do it, I'd be hugging you if I could move out of this bed

Demi: don't worry, I just need a little time to process everything ... Simon, things were horrible for me today, I woke up something sick, it happened to me while I was having breakfast and I almost died the moment I saw the news that said that you were almost dead, I ran to the hospital, I made my way through all the people and I got to surgery, you still did not go out and I had to wait more than 3 hours to be told something, I came here to see you and could not enter until you authorized it because you were not a direct relative, when you were asked you refused and I waited a whole afternoon more thinking that maybe you didn't want to see me ever again

Simon: It wasn't because of that ... I didn't want to be seen in this state ... and less by you

Demi: I almost died knowing that I could lose you (saying that, I started crying again and saw Simon tear too) you have no idea how important you are to me Simon Cowell

Simon: I'm so sorry about how it all ended the last time we saw each other ... you were right, I rejected you twice

Demi: hey, don't think about that, I don't give a shit ... we just have to focus on your health now

Simon: Demi, you can come a little closer if you want ... I'm not going to die for that

Demi: I didn't think you were going to die, it's just that I didn't want to bother you (I approached him slowly and sat on the chair that was attached to the stretcher)
Simon: you're never a nuisance (once again, the tears fell from my eyes and I ended up crying leaning my head on the stretcher while he gently stroked my head) don't cry beauty, I don't like to see you sad..and less for my cause
Demi: I shouldn't be crying but I can't contain it (I wiped my tears, I took and kissed his hand gently)

Simon: thanks for being here, I don't deserve it

Demi: oh, shut up (we interlocked our fingers but we were interrupted by someone entering the room, it was the doctor)

Doctor: (I released Simon's hand) Miss, I'm afraid it's time for you to leave the place for the companion

Simon: what companion?

Doctor: there's a woman outside, Lauren Silverman ... who asks to come in to take care of you tonight

Demi: I umm, I assumed that you both had already separated ... sorry (I took my bag and was going to leave but Simon spoke)

Simon: does that woman come with a child?

Doctor: no, she came alone

Simon: she will not be my companion ... the young lady will stay with me, only if she wants

Doctor: will you stay?

Demi: yes, of course
NEW ONE <3<3<3

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