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DEMI P.O.V.: The next days I had an excellent time, soon Christmas arrived and I spent it with my family at Disney. After that, I was invited by Camila Cabello to her new home to celebrate the New Year in a mega party, at the last moment I opted to go there to have some fun although I didn't know if I would find my friends.

I dressed in these clothes as it was a party:

I dressed in these clothes as it was a party:

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And I went to Camila's house. When I arrived, I found that there was something like about 200 people and others more on non-visible sides of the house. I saw Nick, Priyanka, Joe and Sophie, Selena, Taylor and his squad, Shawn and some friends more.It was something like 23:10 when more friends began to arrive, Dinah Jane and Normani Kordei among them (yes, I was also surprised).

My happiness vanished when I saw him enter through the front door dressed casually and wearing sunglasses. I tried to leave but Camila called to give me at 00:00, everyone filled their glasses, and we waited for the time, until it was 00:00 ... Happy New Year !!! I hugged her, my friends and while there was a great revolt of people, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to greet excitedly and I found Simon stretching his glass towards me. I thought to reject his toast, or say something ugly, or anything that showed that I was still angry ... but I remembered that it was a new year and I wanted to change several bad things about my personality, so I just stretched my arm until our glasses shocked. 

Simon: Happy New Year Miss Lovato 

 Demi: Happy New Year Mr. Cowell (we took both and came over to hug me) 

 Simon: can I? 

 Demi: if I say no, you will do it anyway ... go ahead (he hugged me and I did not respond to his hug no matter how much I wanted) 

 Simon: do you think we can talk? I did not like how it all ended the last time 

 Demi: not. Leave it there Simon, too close for today 

 Simon: okay but just ... I was trying to fix things 

 Demi: Simon, there are things that have no fix 

 Simon: I like to think that our friendship has it 

 Demi: I do not think so ... a lot has happened 

 Simon: we could leave it behind and start from scratch 

 Demi: Yes, the only problem here is that nothing would be the same ... you have a son and you are married 

 Simon: some things are different but- wait a second, I'm not married 

 Demi: and Lauren Silverman? 

 Simon: we never got married, we were going to do it but I said no 

 Demi: Anyway, the point is that we can not do many of the things we did 

 Simon: like what?

Demi: things like getting together to watch movies one full afternoon at your homeS

imon: Of course we can, but in your house 

Demi: I don't want to risk the wrath of your girlfriend 

Simon: I might not know we got together 

Demi: No, it would be worse ... She would treat me as your lover and I don't have too much desire to be slandered in magazines 

Simon: Dems, please ... let's try our friendship again 

Demi: I don't know, it's complicated 

Simon: Of course not, let's start with simple things 

Demi: talk on some social network? 

Simon: I don't use a phone 

Demi: (laughed out loud) do you mean it? 

Simon: of course ... it's too much for someone my age, remember that I have more than 50 decades of life 

Demi: I'm not interested in your age, it never interested me and you know that 

Simon: the rest of the people do it (I smiled) 

Demi: I could teach you how to use WhatsApp right now.

 And so I did, I showed him how to use it, I arranged some contacts and then it was time to go home. 

Demi: (Camila approached us and I took advantage of it) Camz, I'm going to go to my house 

Camila: ohh ... okay, did you have a good time? 

Demi: something busy with this man but, if 

Camila: (smiled) and you, Simon? 

Simon: the same 

Camila: I'll accompany you to the door (I stopped from my seat to go with her but Simon spoke)

Simon: don't worry Camila, i'll go with her... i'm leaving too anyways (we said goodbye and went out, where everything was silence. Once que got to the cars, that were casually together, i looked at the sky) 

Demi: it's so beautiful 

Simon: what? 

Demi: the sunrise, is beginning 

Simon: do you want to see it? 

Demi: (I looked surprised at him) see what? 

Simon: the sunrise 

Demi: oh God (I started laughing) 

Simon: what did you think I wanted you to see? 

Demi: nothing, forget it 

Simon: ohh, I got it ... no Demi, I do not want you to see that and less here that someone else could see it 

Demi: yes, I'm sorry ... I want to see the sunrise but tomorrow I have to go to the studio and I have to sleep a little 

Simon: maybe i'll go to the record company tomorrow, maybe we'll see each other (he looked at me from head to toe) 

Demi: what? 

Simon: you look very pretty tonight 

Demi: do you think? thank you ... you don't look bad 

Simon: well, as far as possible ... it's hard to look good at this age Demi 

Demi: you got it (she smiled at me and I remembered that I had to go) I must go now 

Simon: also me ... then, see you tomorrow perhaps? 

Demi: see you tomorrow maybe (he kissed my cheek and i got into my car) 

Simon: take good care of yourself 

Demi: I will do it, you too Simon ... when you get home warn me so I'm calm, it's much farther than mine 

Simon: okay ... goodbye Demetria 

Demi: goodbye (I smiled and left home)



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