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DEMI P.O.V .: When I woke up, I walked away from a sleeping Simon without moving it and went to the bathroom to get ready, in fact I didn't have much because the day before I had taken my bag without knowing what I had and I came in pajamas without makeup. I looked at my bag to see what I had and saw my natural makeup, black jeans and urban shoes, in addition to my personal hygiene items.

I took my time to get ready but when I saw myself in the mirror I was satisfied ... except that I was wearing my pajama shirt, unfortunately I didn't have anything to wear in its place so I was going to leave the bathroom when I saw a bag with Simon's clothes on where there were two T-shirts and a blouse. I took his blouse and after smelling it I put it on leaving only my white bodice under the translucent fabric. I smiled feeling his perfume on my skin and left the bathroom to find that he had already woken up.

Demi: good morning Mr. Cowell

Simon: good morning (smiled) is that my blouse?

Demi: yes, sorry for taking it without your permission (I said leaving things to sit next to him) but I didn't have more than what I'm wearing and you have two shirts on top of your blouse

Simon: neglect brat, you can keep it if you want

Demi: thank you honey

Simon: (he raised an eyebrow) honey?

Demi: what? honey? who said that? I didn't say that

Simon: yes, you did Demi

Demi: no, of course not ... I would remember it if I had done it

Simon: do you know something? I will realize that you didn't say that ... but yes, you said that sweetheart

Demi: sweetheart?

Simon: I'm not ashamed to say that I called you that

Demi: when we're back in your house we'll have a conversation about this Simon Cowell, nothing will be like that ... (just when the doctor came in) I'll give you a rematch

Doctor: good morning

Dimon: good morning

Doctor: the nurses gave me your monitoring papers in the last few hours and I want to tell you that you are miraculously ready to go home ... I already signed your high sir, you can take your things, dress carefully and leave after they disconnect you

Demi: great, some care I should have?

Doctor: He can't eat heavy things or drink alcohol until further notice and be careful at the time of sex please

Demi: oh ... umm ... i ... we ... it's

Simon: okay doctor, what do you recommend, she on top? (I looked at him horrified)

Doctor: definitely (Simon laughed)

Simon: okay, thank you very much for everything

Doctor: there's no need ... goodbye

Dimon: goodbye (the doctor left and we both started laughing)

Demi: poor fool if he thought we had some kind of love relationship (Simon looked at me seriously) what?

Simon: nothing nothing ... let's go to my house

SIMON P.O.V .: Once we got to my house, you could feel a calmer environment. I approached Demi walking slowly and hugged her.

Demi: ummm ... and that?

Simon: Thanks for everything you've done for me

Demi: Simon, it's not a nuisance to be with you, taking care of you ... I appreciate you very much besides

Simon: I also appreciate you ... a little (I felt his hands sticking closer to his body and he rested his forehead on my chest)

Demi: go to bed now ... I'll give the cooks the directions of your food and I'll ask someone to bring me a suitcase with my  clothes ... or two ... or three (I smiled and kissed her forehead)

Simon: okay, then you can come to my room if you want, it's up on the right

Demi: what will my room be?

Simon: you're really thinking about staying for a long time, right?

Demi: of course Simey, you need my care

Simon: in that case, on the opposite side of my room is the most beautiful room in the house, after mine ... you can settle there, you have your own bathroom and it must be clean, anyway I will tell the employees that accommodate your room

Demi: it's not necessary, I'll do it ... after all I'll have a lot of free time here (she laughed and gave me a little push on the back) go to rest grandfather

Simon: I'll do that little brat ... I'll wait for you upstairs if you want to join me on a morning of movies

Demi: I'll be there in a few minutes, you have time to take one of your relaxing baths and change more comfortable while i'm organizing everything here

Simon: Okay (I went up the stairs and saw her smile looking at a picture frame of me, Demi was beautiful, there was no other explanation as to why i was so crazy for her... and these were serious problems).

Well, I want to tell you that today is my birthday and on this date I simply wanted to thank you for all your support and love, you guys don't know how much I appreciate it ... really, thank you, remember that I am always for what you need and that I love you. .. Thank you all 💘💘😍

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