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SIMON P.O.V .: I woke up feeling someone touching my hair, it was only when I opened my eyes that I remembered the night before.

Demi: hi baby (he kissed me)

Simon: good morning princess

Demi: listen honey, I have to have lunch with Miley today, does it bother you if I invite her here? You do not have to be with us (I smiled)

Simon: I think it's officially our home, so you can do whatever you want here

Demi: I told you I love you? (she climbed on me and began to give me many peaks)

Simon: I love you so much more

Demi: liar (she got rid of me and smiled at me) your breakfast is down, eat well before going to work my love

Simon: I will, where are you going?

Demi: to look for the last thing that remains in my house of clothes ... they already brought everything else, a few minutes ago

Simon: Demi, are you sure?

Demi: very sure, if you want to do this, I do too

Simon: sell your old house ... now you are my fiance

Demi: I love you so much (he said smiling) I'll be back in a few minutes

Simon: take care of yourself beautiful

This was, this was what I was waiting for all my life ... a real love.

After breakfast, Lauren brought Eric with a backpack.

Lauren: I will leave the city from today until three days, take care of Eric

Simon: well, hello son (I carried him in my arms)

Lauren: goodbye Eric (she kissed his cheek and, without waiting, kissed me in the mouth) goodbye

Demi: What the fuck did I just see?

Eric: Demi! (She kissed his forehead and then looked at me with teary eyes)

Demi: care to explain?

Simon: baby, this is not what you think... let's enter and talk

Demi: yes, better (I left Eric in the playroom and went to talk to Demi) what was that?

Simon: I don't know Dem, she just kissed me...you saw it

Demi: but you said nothing to her... honestly Simon, do you love her? (Once she said that, she started crying)

Simon: baby, don't cry please...I only love YOU, you're my first real love, she is nothing to me and do you know what are you to me?

Demi: what?

Simon: my world (I walked to her and she hugged me)

Demi: I want you to promise me something

Simon: anything

Demi: once you stop loving me, you'd tell me

Simon: that's not going to happen

Demi: Simon, please

Simon: I promise baby

Demi: thanks (she kissed me and Eric entered the room running)

Eric: what?

Simon: son, I have to tell you something

Eric: I know it... Demi is your girlfriend

Simon: yes, she is... thoughts on this?

Eric: I like her (he laughed and hugged Demi)

Demi: aren't you the cuttest boy on Earth?

Simon: I am

Demi: shut up you (she smiled at me and blowed a kiss)

Simon: if you weren't my everything I'd hate you to dead Demetria

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