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Few people have experienced the despair that you have when something bad happens to someone you love, and it is something that I don't wish anyone. My heart started beating fast and it was hard for me to breathe while my whole body trembled with fear. I took the keys of the car and my bag (without knowing what I was carrying in it) and left my house as i was (dressed casually but without makeup, and somewhat disheveled yet). 

The trip to the hospital was quite short, even though it had taken several minutes. When I arrived I parked my car and ran down, there were journalists so I covered my face with a hood and I went unnoticed (or so I expected). I moved carefully among the right people and came to find out that Simon was in surgery, with pain in the heart, I ran to the waiting room of the operating room and sat there completely alone.

 The wait was long, endless until a doctor of much age came out. 

Doctor: Mr. Cowell's family- (he saw that I was waiting alone) oh, you must be his dau- 

Demi: I'm Demi Lovato, I'm not his daughter or anything like that 

Doctor: I'm sorry, lady, it was a mistake (I nodded) 

Demi: how is Simon?

 Doctor: we had to do surgery to stabilize his heart and for a few seconds he was lifeless, but we managed to stabilize him ... now he's going to stay in intensive care for at least two days, maybe later you can move to a common room ... and then go home

Demi: Oh, can I see him?

Doctor: only the direct family is authorized

Demi: Well, Simon doesn't have a direct family ...

Doctor: in that case, he must authorize it

Demi: is he awake?

Doctor: not yet, maybe in a few minutes we can ask him if he wants us to let you pass 

Demi: yes, please ... it is also necessary that your intensive care room be completely private because journalists will come to bother you

Doctor: okay, we'll take him upstairs then, room 769 ... he doesn't have windows but you can sit outside waiting for us to ask if you can come in and visit him

Demi: will he need someone to take care of him at night?

Doctor: we have many nurses for that and I don't really know if he can have companions ... but, I will do everything possible for you to see him

Demi: okay, thank you so much Doc

Doctor: anything (once he said that, he left and went up to room 769 where Simon would be ... I asked about his son Eric but I suspect that his mother had won custody.

A few minutes after waiting for any kind of news from Simon, I saw a nurse arrive and enter her room, she was an old woman.

Nurse: good evening miss

Demi: good evening

Nurse: I'll be Mr. Cowell's nurse, who are you?

Demi: I'm Demi Lovato, we're friends ... or so I think (I said looking at the ground)

Nurse: ohh, okay ... listen, now I will go to monitor him and I will inform you how he is

Demi: thanks (she came in a few minutes and when she came out she smiled at me) how is he?

Nurse: a bit complicated yet, but in a few hours he will be perfect ... I assure you, they didn't let you in to see him?

Demi: no, Simon must let me in ... because we aren't direct relatives

Nurse: oh, that sucks ... listen honey, it's lunch time (I thought it was earlier) and I guess you don't want to leave the door of the room, right?

Demi: not

Nurse: okay ... I have a few free minutes to have lunch, would you like if I bring food from the cafeteria for us and eat together here?

Demi: I would love it (I smiled at her and she left to look for food)

A few minutes later we were having lunch together while we talked a little about some things, until a question came up.

Nurse: child, that man who is in there is not just your friend, is he?

Demi: ummm in fact, we are now, but we always had other intentions that we never got to concretize

Nurse: mmm, it was something about having relationships or-

Demi: oh, no no ... there was always a kind of romance between us

Nurse: but ...

Demi: but our 32-year-old difference never allowed us to be anything other than friends

Nurse: do you know something, honey? my husband, may he rest in peace, was 33 years older than me ... and we were always happy, and yes, we had to face some people but love always wins

Demi: it's complicated ... my family would be very against

Nurse: quiet, if they love you, they should accept him if he is good for you

Demi: maybe, but there are also the means that would treat him as a pedophile and me, just wanting his money

Nurse: my advice is to try, even if it's difficult ... maybe it ends well

Demi: who knows? maybe we will try

Nurse: (hugged me) I'll go and see how he is

Demi: kay (a few minutes later he told me that he was already awake but he did not want to see anyone yet)

So I spent the whole afternoon there sitting outside waiting, at night the doctor came to see him and informed me that as soon as he was getting better, probably tomorrow he would be sent to the common room and in two days to go home. It was midnight and the lights were mostly off when the nurse came to see him one more time and when she left she spoke to me quietly.

Nurse: I think someone wants to see you (smiled and hugged her)

Demi: Thanks for everything you've done for me today, you're a great grandmother of heart

Nurse: good luck granddaughter, we'll see each other tomorrow maybe

Demi: goodbye

Nurse: goodbye, take care of it and don't let him get too upset

Demi: careless, everything will be perfect (I kissed her cheek and when I was alone in the hall, I silently entered the room while my eyes filled with tears).



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