Chapter Eight | Day After

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I wake up with the sun in my face, greeting me with a sun kiss. I smile when I feel arms wrapped around my waste and I lift up the covers and I see Jonah's head lay on the top of my chest. I don't feel different after the events of last night, well why would I?

"Morning," Jonah mumbles into my skin and kisses it. I chuckle and mumble a 'morning' back. "how are you doing?" he asks me and I look at him with confusion. Why would he ask me how I feel?

I sit up and grab his shirt and a pair of panties from my side dresser and get up. See now I know why he asked me if I was okay, pain shoots through the whole bottom half of my body and I wince as I take a step. Wow, I didn't think it would hurt this bad. I feel a presence behind me and I'm correct when Jonah's arms wrap around my waist And he pulls me back down to the bed.

"Does it hurt that bad?" he asks with a look of pure guilt and worry. Is he regretting last night? Please just let him be worried about me, I don't know what I would do if he regretted last night. All I know is I'll remember every single moment of it every time he touches me. Jonah isn't some guy anymore I know that, he's way more than a thing in my life.

I nod. "I'm sorry," he says. Oh no, here comes 'that shouldn't have happened last night. I swear, I don't even like you.' Speech. "I was so rough last night I didn't want to hurt you." He says. I look up at him and sigh in relief, he was just scared that he had hurt me.

"Jonah it's fine, I mean the pain will ware off but we need to get to school." I say and attempt to get up again. I quickly sit back down when I feel a pain-like stabbing feeling between my legs. I whimper.

"No you're not going to school, okay?" he says and I nod. "We can cuddle today my family went on a trip to see family member anyways." He says and kisses my shoulder.

"Then why are you here?" I ask. "I mean. Why aren't you with them?" I say to clarify what I had meant earlier.

"I would miss every family reunion for you." He says and I turn around to kiss him tenderly on his pink plump lips.

"It was a reunion, now I feel bad." I say and he laughs. I laugh with him and I finally remember that I have a history test today that I studied two weeks for. I huff and Jonah looks at me with a confused look.

"What's wrong?" he asks with concern laced in his voice.

"Nothing I had a test today that I studied so long for but hey one day won't hurt?" I chuckle. "I mean the pain will go away by tomorrow right?" I ask with a serious tone.

"Yes baby girl," Jonah kisses my nose. "The pain will probably be gone in a few hours." He say and I nod.

"Let's get breakfast?" he asks.

"My mom goes to work at 6 and it's," I look at the clock it's already 7:45 am. "Well she's gone already."

I say and he nods.

"I'll make pancakes," he says and grabs my waste pulling me up off the bed.

"I'll make eggs," I say holding onto him while we walk out my bedroom door.

"Mm, I'll make bacon," he mumbles.

"I guess I'll make the hash browns?" I ask.

"That sounds good." He laughs while we get to the kitchen.


"Jonah!" I yell at him. Who throws pancake batter at people? I scowl at him with a playful glare.

"Okay I'll stop." He laughs and I turn back around to finish pouring the orange juice. "Can we like go out today, like maybe go to the movies or something?" he ask and I turn back around with the glasses in my hand. I sit down at the island across from Jonah.

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