Chapter Twenty-Eight | Awoken

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Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Awoken

I hear the soft splash of cars, their tires speeding through the puddles, outside my window. I hear the the soft wind, blowing as soft as a whisper, outside my window. I hear the soft breathing, of a sleeping boy, behind me.

My head turns to see the boy I've seem to fallen for, his hair slightly moves from my ceiling fan. His face, a beautiful piece of art God had created, is stuffed into my side, slightly tickling me. I look back at my window, the drops run down it, almost as if they are in a race.

My eyes search the room for a sign of discomfort, nothing can ruin this moment I have, staring at, nothing. My hand slowly moves to Jonah's hair, pushing it off his forehead, I trail my finger down his face to his lips. Tracing the outline of his lips, he smiles. "Kelly, what are you doing?" he asks me in his, where I came to find out, sexy morning voice.

"You're to beautiful," I murmur, furrowing my eyebrows wondering.

How can something so perfect, yet so full of flaws, which I have came to love, be here with me?

It's a question that will ponder my mind and life, until I finally understand, that he was made for me. His eyes, nose, mouth, body, just him is mine.

"I adore you," I say moving so we're eye to eye, I don't hesitate to kiss him. He licks my lower lip, I quickly accept and his tongue explores my mouth. My world is gone and I'm left breathe less.

My room is empty and I'm all alone, duke walks in with a knife in his hands.

It all comes back to me, the kidnapping, Jonah getting threatened by men, the men taking me by choice. I didn't want them to kill Jonah, I needed him to live.


My eyes hurt as I look up at the bright light, not again.

"Ah, baby bird finally chose to wake up." I hear Roger say, I can see the smirk on his lips.

"Again, please tell me why I'm baby bird?" I say. "Regina could've been baby bird ya'know, but no she's baby Red." I tell him with a glare.

"Ya'see, I call her baby red because, she looks hot in red." He chuckles as he makes his way to me.

"And you, baby bird," he mocks. "I call you that because your my bird." He says.

"So you mean girl, as in British slang?" I ask him and he nods.

"Exactly," he says and I laugh.

"You're up!" I hear the stage manager yell.



Hehe, I took long to update but.... well are all of you confused.? Well I hope so, just kidding. So yeah they kidnapped Kelly and well next chapter will be Jonah's POV and I'll tell what happened more in his POV.

Anyways, thanx for the reads and votes.!! I wanna give a shoutout to @DesiraeHubbard, no she's not following me so I can't say she's a great follower but! She's an amazing reader and she voted for every chapter and gurl thank you!

Thank you and I love y'all...

- Kay :)

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