Chapter Nineteen | Wake Up

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Chapter Nineteen ~ Wake Up


I can't get her out of my head. She's been running through my dreams and it's driving me crazy it's seems. *A/N All Time Low? No. Okay.* I don't know who she is but every time I think of her, Kelly Graven comes so naturally.

That has to be her name, it just clicks. I mean I can picture her so well, I desperately wanna meet her. But I know she's just a figment I have created in my head, that's the hard part. She's all in my head and she was just so perfect, besides the cheating but we fixed that.

The bus crash is what woke me, and I was in a state of shock when I saw my family cramped in the hospital room. Three f*cken months, I had that angel in my head, I want her.

I want her so bad that every time I think about her I feel a shock of electricity run through my mind. That she can possibly be real, but I know, even though is pains me to admit, she's just a thought.

"Are you gonna come down for dinner?" Esther asks me. I nod and get up, I walk done the stairs to see a familiar face. Shiloh.



"Have any of you talk to Shiloh?" Duke asks. I shake my head while walking by him. Yes, I know in my head he was a dick who beat Sam, but in reality, he was my science partner. A partner who is genuinely nice and smart, and might I add very funny.

"No, he went on a road trip with Michael." I say pouring a blue substance into a container. Duke nods and grabs my hand, I look up at him.

"You're pouring the wrong thing." He grins. Dick, he knew but no he likes to always be the scientist in our group.

"You're such a nerd." I laugh at him and he joins in. He's a great company since the wake up, I like him. I mean he's such a great person and I can't help but think maybe he and I can go out sometime. You know because Jonah and I are never gonna happen so why should I sit around and mope.

"I know," he laughs. "But a fun and awesome at that." He says with a smug grin. I punch his shoulder and he pulls a face, acting like he's hurt. I chuckle and pull off my googles as the lunch bell rings.

When I walk down the corridor I hear someone call my name. "Kelly!" I turn around to see Duke and Chase making their way to me. I smile at Duke but don't acknowledge Chase. See, he's a real dick in reality.

"What happen?" I ask frowning.

"Oh I wanted to sit with you at lunch." He says and I smile.

"Okay," I say and make my way to my locker. As I put my stuff in Duke and Chase wait for me. I really want Chase to leave, he can kinda be mean to me without knowing it, or he does know it I don't really know.


Lunch will end in 20 minutes and I can't stop from laughing at Duke, he has the best stories.

"Okay so I wanted to ask you something." Duke says and I nod.

"Can we like go to a movie some time?" he asks. I furrow my brows, should I go on a date with him, not that its a date.

"Well if we only go as friends." I say and he nods with a smile.

"Great yeah as friends cool." He says and I chuckle.

"Well ima go get ready for my next class." I say and get up.

As I make my way I hear Chase talk to Duke. "Dude she said as friends," he laughs at his friend. "You're totally friend zoned."

"I'll just give her time." Duke says back. I smile and walk to my locker.



I know you guys might think that she's moving on, but she's not. I have it all planned out and everything! So please my readers don't worry, I have it all sorted out.

Anyways, thank you all for the reads, hopefully this book can eventually get to 1k, oh I hope so. And again I'm sorry that I don't update like I use to, it's just school will start in less than three weeks for me, it's gonna be hard to update.

I know it sucks, but I might only update once a week starting Aug. 19 because that's the first day for me :( Ugh school can suck.

Thank you and I love y'all...

- Kay :)

Comment if you know my real name, just type 'YASS' but don't say it aha...

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