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Morgana had held back her feelings toward Merlin and embraced the cold heart role that people made her become, though her heart was never cold towards her daughter. A raven carries a small note to Merlin from Morgana, 'Tis been a while, for once I address this issue to you in peace. I am sure you got the same vision as I, the child is yours. She is 16, powerful...very powerful. She has your fault, seeing good in people. Meet me alone in the land of the fallen kings to discuss this.' That night Morgana awaits Merlin in the land of the fallen kings, alone. It was late at night and Morgana's one of the few rules was for her daughter to never be out at night for the dangers are too great. With her back turned she did not see Merlin but could feel him approach her. "You have seen her walk the streets, haven't you? Beautiful is she not? Her name is Rosaline..." Morgana turns to face Merlin, "She is scary strong Merlin, your beloved King stands no chance against her." Merlin listens before answering Morgana, "I have seen her Morgana, she does look like you that is certain. As for her future I cannot see her, which by the looks of your eyes tis the same with you. Why?"

A little secret that Morgana kept from anyone who she worked with that saw Rosaline is that Rose can block out magic, mask magical things so ones with magic cannot find it. A small smirk grew on Morgana's face, "I cannot tell you this, for it is our little secret. But tell me Merlin, why me? Out of all these years why show affection at that night, masked." She asked wanting to know if he shared the same feelings as she does. Merlin sighs and gets closer to Morgana, "Because it was that night when you would not know it was me that I could be free to express the feelings I have towards you. Morgana I know you still have a good heart, our child keeps that side of you alive. The Elders had this plan written for us for a while Morgana, Maybe It was to save you. To stop all this." An evil laugh breaks from Morgana's mouth, "Stop me from getting what is truly mine?! Never. Our dearest Daughter has been doing my bidding since she could walk and talk. She sees the same vision as I, me as the true ruler of Camelot."

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