You are courting?!

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The words of Merlin were on replay in her head, She never wants to cause harm to her daughter or Merlin. That was a sign of compassion, and love. For someone who is labeled evil it was starting to show that her old self was not to far from the surface. While still obedient to her mother she still had a secret she was keeping from her. Every trip into the city not only did Rosaline do the tasks asked of her she was courting with a knight of Camelot. His name was Lance, he was the son of Gwaine. They met when Rosaline went up to the knights and challenged him to a fight, Rosaline won easily thanks to the intense training her mother put her through growing up. Rosaline was dressed nicely today and travels with Kida into the city. Little did she know her mother had people watching her today, and that her mother was overlooking from a distance.

Rosaline finishes her mother's tasks early and fast, seeing this speed got Morgana to question why it takes her daughter all day to return. That is when she sees it, a knight that looks around her daughter's age comes over to her and wraps his arms around her kissing her. Anger builds up in Morgana but she does nothing but watch. Rosaline goes with him to the training grounds and Morgana's men and Morgana watch as they fight intensely and how each round Rosaline always won. This earned a proud smirk on Morgana's face, her daughter was better than a knight of Camelot. The men Morgana had watching her could hear the conversations taking place while Morgana could only see.

"Still sucking at fighting I see my heart?" Rosaline said laughing.

Sir Lance rolled his eyes, "I let you win, besides what kind of man would I be to beat a woman? Let alone the girl I am courting."

Rosaline laughs even more, "Yeah sure, you let me win. What ever helps you rest at night."

Merlin and Arthur walk by them, Merlin's and Rosaline's eyes meet and Rosaline mentally speaks to her father. "Good Day father." She smirked and does a small bow to Arthur who speaks, "Defeating my knight again I see? Maybe you should be taking his place at this rate. If only you werent a woman." Rosaline rolled her eyes, "Being a woman does not define who I am or what I can and cannot do. You are your father's son, a man who was against all magic and look at you. You allow it unlike him, your most trusted man is a warlock. Are Genders and Parents do not make us who we are.. they are just appart of what we are." Arthur stands there stunned and looked at Merlin, "This young girl speaks such wise words yet you are an idiot. You should learn from her." Merlin jokingly smirks and rolled his eyes, "I say wise things too." Arthur laughs and the pair walk off. Merlin mentally spoke to his daughter, "Careful with your words, you speak wisdom like I do. Your mother will not like it if they learn who you are." Rosaline shoots Merlin a cold stare and looked back at Lance.

"Let us go eat, I am hungry." She said to him.

Sir Lance smiled and nods taking her hand, "I packed a lunch, we can go to our spot just outside the city."

Rosaline nods and follows him, still not aware her mother was watching her every move, and her men hearing every word.

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