Chapter 3

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"I'm alright, mom," you said reassuringly.

"Aye, mija," Said your mom as she gave you a hug, "You could've died, those sidekick hero people are so reckless..." your Mom went off on one of her rants about the "sidekick hero people", and the city, and even public transportation. You sighed, you loved your mom, but sometimes you didn't really agree with your mom on everything, especially when you knew that people were just trying to help.

"Well," you interrupted, "Kid Flash actually saved me and brought me to the hospital, in fact," you added, "I probably would've died if not for his speed." Your Mom looked kind of impressed at least. So you had exaggerated a little; at least it had proved your point.

"Um," said your older brother, "Is he even Kid Flash? He looks younger."

"Ugh," you groaned, "Who Cares!" However you knew that answer wouldn't be sufficient for your brother, so you added, "I'm pretty sure he's a - um-" you could never remember what to call that team, "He wears the Kid Flash costume, which means he is Kid Flash!"

Your Mom sighed, "I don't know, they mean well I guess-,"

"And they are doing well for this city!" you interrupted, your Mom looked doubtful. "He saved my life Mom,"

"I know, Mija," she said, "You know, I can drive you to class next time."

You shook your head and laughed, "I'm sure there won't be some random attack on the same bus again, Mom. I'll be fine."

"I know," she said, "Aye, mija," she hugged you tighter; "I was so worried!"

"I love you Mom," you said, hugging her back.

Soon visiting hours were over, so you turned on the TV and relaxed. As you sat watching re-runs of Elena of Avalor, you felt a small breeze blow through the room, which was strange because the window wasn't open. You shrugged and went back to watching TV.

"So, you 'probably would've died if not for my speed'

"Aggh!" you yelled, jumping up in surprise; then groaned, "Ow!" You looked up to see Kid Flash leaning against the wall, with a very amused look plastered on his face. "Kid Flash!" you exclaimed, running your hands through your hair. You didn't exactly look presentable, your hair was all over your face, you were slouching, and you had sheets, books, and stuffed animals sprawled across your bed. You made an effort to swipe everything off the bed, but it was no use. You looked up a little embarrassed," Um," you began, wondering how to respond to him, luckily he started talking before you had to.

"I didn't know that I was that important," he said with a smirk. You blushed, recalling your previous conversation with your mother. "Um," you began with a nervous laugh, "I guess I may have kind of exaggerated a little." You looked down to hide your blush. "But you did save me!" you added, "Thank you."

Kid Flash smiled then sat on your bed. "No problem, (y/n)" he said, "That's what supers do," he said, giving you a wink. By this time you were pretty sure your face was as red as a tomato. Kid Flash had the cutest dorkiest smile as he pulled you into the most gigantic bone crushing bear hug you'd ever experienced. When he finally let go he looked at you and said, "So, how's the patient?"

"A-alright," you gasped, still recovering from the hug.

"Oh," he said, "Sorry about that."

"It's fine," you said, as you brushed a piece of hair from your face. After that an awkward silence descended upon the two of you. Well, maybe just you, with Kid Flash, you couldn't tell, h was just staring at you, waiting for you to say something with a dorky smile on his face.

"So," you began, trying to come up with a topic as you were speaking, "What's it like, being a super hero?"

"It's awesome!" he sounded like an excited kindergartener, which, you thought, was pretty adorable. "The Flash was always my idol when I was younger, so to be his- well, basically his sidekick is like-," he looked around as if trying to find something to compare it to. "Like the awesomest thing ever!!!!!" was what he finally settled on.

"Wow," was all you could manage to get out. Seriously, 'Wow,' not, 'Your awesome Kid Flash,' or, 'you're my role model,' or anything besides, 'Wow'. "Um," you continued, looking into his deep blue eyes, "About that question you asked me yesterday," you paused for a second, and crossed your fingers, "Do you know me, as a super, or a civilian?" You looked down, hoping for the best.

Kid Flash lifted your chin so that he could see your eyes, he wondered, was it you? And most importantly, would he sound like a creep if he recognized you? "I-," he began, indecisively, "I think I might recognize you from somewhere, um-," He hesitated before going on, "Doyousitonthesamebenchinthesameparkatthesametimewiththesamecupofcoffeeeverydayatten o'clock?"

"Pardon?' you said in a concerned tone. You couldn't make heads or tails of what on earth that boy had just said, but you hoped it was good.

Kid Flash sighed and scratched the back of his head, "I think, that I might see you on- occasion, at this park that I pass by kind of often?"

"Really!" you yelled, nearly jumping for joy. You coughed awkwardly, "That's- that's pretty awesome. You know, 'cause I- um, I actually have a hobby of trying to spot superheroes."

"Wow! That awesome kind of like bird watching except different! Do you want a picture with me?" Before you could answer he pulled out a phone and snapped a photo. A moment later your phone started buzzing. You opened the message; it was the picture of you and Kid Flash.

"Wow," you laughed, "Thanks, this- this is awesome."

"No problem," he said. He smiled, but this time it was different, he was looking straight into your eyes, "It's the least I could do."

"For what?" you asked, not breaking his gaze, but confused at the same time.

"Oh right!" he shook his head, "I, came here to ask you a favor!"

"Oh," you said trying to disguise your disappointment, "Well, what it is?"

"Well, it's kind of hard to-," he was cut off by a buzzing. He picked up his communicator and mouthed 'one second' to you. He walked a couple of paces from the bed. You could hear the muffled voice of Robin, boy wonder. A second later Kid Flash was back by your side.

"Anything wrong?" you asked, you wondered if he'd have to leave.

He sighed disappointedly, "Looks like Icicle Jr. is at it again, I think the favor's gonna have to wait," You nodded in understanding and he zoomed off.

You sighed with disappointment. You'd thought that maybe he'd come because- but it was just a favor, nothing more. 

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