Chapter 6

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Bart Allen crept through the darkness. He was no longer in his Kid Flash uniform; he had ditched that for the uniform of a guard who was currently tied up behind some bushes.

"Kaldur!" he whispered through his com-link desperately trying to make contact with his team, "Robin, Blue Beetle, Miss Martian!" He listened for an answer, but there was only silence. His com was down. He sighed, and ran is hands through his hair, he was worrying about you. He hoped that he wouldn't get there too late; that he'd be there just in time to save you.

"Hey you!" a voice interrupted his train of thought. He stood up straight and tightened his grip on the gun he carried. The voice belonged to a guard who was walking over with hi partner. "Shouldn't you be on patrol or something?"

"Yes sir!" said Impulse, in the lowest voice he could muster, "I was just about to start patrol inside."

The guard narrowed his eyes and examined him suspiciously. "I just left two men patrolling the inside," he said. Bart gulped nervously. "Show me your identification," the guard said sternly.

Impulse smiled nervously, "Sorry, got to go!' he said, as his fists flew at the guards faces so fast they didn't know what hit them. In about three seconds Kid Flash tied them up, hid them, and vibrated through the walls of the base. He smiled, he was in.

Your View-

You sat against the door, as you had for the past hour. You had no idea what was going to happen to you. All you knew was what Bart had told you, which wasn't much, something about dates and archives, and 'them'. You assumed that you had already met 'them', but none of the other things he'd said made sense. You figured that 'they' wanted something with you, but what? You were just a normal average person who did normal average things. Were you a hostage? What if it was a trap meant for Kid Flash? As these thoughts raced through your head, all you wanted to do was curl up in your bed and cry, and maybe puke.

Everything that had happened in the past hours was too much for you to process. You felt like panicking, like crying, yelling and screaming for help, but that would show weakness. And weakness wasn't something you did. You never let anyone see that you hurt, no matter how bad it was. You took a deep breath to calm yourself and tried to turn your thoughts away from the situation at hand.

"Think about something else," you said to yourself, "Think about..." you were drawing a blank when suddenly someone popped into your mind, "Bart," you smiled as you thought back to your first meeting. Looking into his beautiful green eyes after a bus crash. You laughed to yourself; that sounded so weird out of context. Before actually meeting Kid Flash you had imagined him like this flawless, handsome... well, superhero. But getting to know him personally showed you that, sure he was handsome, and amazing, but he was also funny, dorky, quirky, and that he was just a person like anyone else. And, sure you'd had a crush on him before, but that was what made you really fall in love with him. He wasn't just Kid Flash, he was Bart Allen.

You laughed a little, remembering that just this morning his really name had been the most earth shaking thing in the world to you. "Bart Allen," you whispered aloud. You liked that name. You liked Bart, and you decided that if you ever got out of there, you would get up the courage to tell him, because time speeds by faster than we know, and everything can change in just one second, as you'd seen earlier that day.

Suddenly, the door opened, and you nearly jumped with fright. You had lost track of time, it seemed that your hour was up.

"(y/n) (y/l/n)," said the voice, you looked at the source of the voice, your eyes still adjusting to the light. She was a tall woman in her late 20's, her hair was up in a tight bun, and she was dressed completely in black. "You will begin testing now," she said, as guards prodded you with their guns. You followed the woman down dimly lit corridors until you reached a door at the end a hall. Inside were an operating table and several men who looked like surgeons gathered around it.

The guards dragged you onto the table, you tried to resist, but they only made their grip tighter. As you tried to get away, one of the surgeons jabbed you with a needle. You smacked it out of his hand, and tried to make a break for it, but suddenly, you began to feel drowsy, your legs gave way beneath you, and what strength you had was gone.

"No," you said drowsily, as the guards lifted you back onto the table.

"Prepare the subject for testing," you heard the woman say.

You began to get dizzy, and the world seemed to sway before you. You saw the surgeons closing in around you. It almost looked like one of them was winking at you. You mind was clouded, and you felt drowsy. You closed your eyes, and heard a few muffled thuds and grunts, and then you blacked out.

Kid Flash-

Bart saw you enter the room, so far his plan had gone pretty well, all he needed was for Katya, the woman, who'd kidnapped you, to leave the room. He breathed a sigh of relief, and relaxed a little, that is until you started struggling. That was something he should've anticipated but didn't.

'Dang it!' he thought to himself as one of the real surgeons injected you with the narcotic. This was going to be an issue. He was going to have a lot of trouble carrying you out of here unconscious. He let out a quiet groan as Katya left the room. 'Please let this work' he thought to himself. He closed in on the table with the other surgeons and winked at you, a confused look passed across your face briefly before you closed your eyes.

"Gentlemen!" he said loudly. The surgeons looked up in surprise. Bart smiled at them, his fist vibrating. There expressions immediately changed from surprised to scared, as Bart flew faster than light form one to the other punching faces left and right. In a matter of seconds, Bart was standing over a pile of unconscious surgeons.

"As much as I've enjoyed this, gentlemen," said Bart, turning around and picking you up, "I really must be go-," The last word was drowned out by a blaring alarm. Kid Flash spun around in surprise. One of the surgeons had dragged himself to the alarm and pressed it.

"Dude, not crash!" he said, punching the man in the face once more.

Kid Flash raced through the seemingly endless corridors of the building as fast as he could, but the added weight of your limp body slowed him down slightly; still he pushed on for you.

"For (y/n)," he whispered, "Do it for (y/n)" He repeated this to himself over and over again, until he was nearly at the gates. Putting on an extra burst of speed, he pushed himself as hard as possible.

"We're gonna make it (y/n)," he said happily, "We're gonna make it!" Just then he felt a sharp pain in his leg. He looked down, there was blood. Behind him was Katya the bloody, holding a gun, and shooting it almost as fast as impulse.

"You're not the only speedster," she said, hitting him again. Bart yelled in pain as the bullets hit him, all he could feel was the pain of bullets hitting him, again and again.

"For (y/n)!" he yelled through gritted teeth. He kept running, no matter how much pain, no matter how much blood he was losing No matter how many bullets pierced his body.

Katya continued heartlessly shooting the boy. She watched as his blood spattered across the ground. Her gun ran out of ammo; she didn't stop shooting, she just reloaded it.

Bart clenched his teeth. The pain was almost too much for, him, but he knew, that he had to make it, for you. All he could taste was the blood in his mouth, and all he could feel was pain, pain, pain.

Katya sneered, as Impulse fled, and tossed her gun aside; she'd get you, sooner or later.

Bart ran, even after the bullets stopped, he kept running. He ran as fast and as far as he could. He ran until he couldn't run anymore. And after that, he dragged both of you to the doorstep of a farmhouse. He rang the doorbell and collapsed on the doorstep, a bloody pulp.

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