Chapter 13

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"Okay," you whispered to Blue Beetle. The two of you sat cross-legged on your bed, putting together a cover story for you, "all we have to do now is tell-," the door squeaked open. "Batman!" you yelled.

"What?" said Blue Beetle, looking at you like you were crazy, "That's a terrible plan why would we tell-," he paused as you made faces at him and tried to point subtly behind him. "Batman!" he yelled, as he fell off your bed. He stood up and laughed nervously, "Hehe," Batman's face didn't change, he just stood there the whole time with this unamused glare on his face.

"We were just talking about-," Blue Beetle began, searching for an excuse.

"How's Bart?" you interrupted, jumping off your bed. You walked up to Batman and looked up at his expressionless eyes.

"Come with me," he said, leading you out of the room and entering the one next to it. You walked in and saw Bart lying unconscious on his bed with Tigress sitting next to him.

"Bar-," you began, then you remembered Batman was there. "Kid Flash!" you yelled, rushing to the bedside. You took his hand in yours and pressed it against your cheek. "Is he alright?" you asked, looking up with tears in your eyes. You were so afraid and guilty; if he had gotten hurt or if he was... dead, it would be all your fault.

"He oughtta pull through," said Tigress, getting up from her seat, "He took a pretty bad beating back there, but his powers should allow him to heal faster." She nodded at Batman who then left the room. Then she walked over to the door and slammed it shut, startling you and Blue Beetle.

"Alright, you two," she said sternly as she towered over you, "What's the deal?"

"Nothing," Blue Beetle answered nervously, "What makes you think- whoa!" he yelled, grabbing his arm and tackling it to the ground. He smiled apologetically, and you gave him a look like, 'What the Heck?' His stalling techniques were even worse than your own.

"Listen," said Tigress, "I don't know what you're up to, but," she turned to face you, "You don't look at someone the way you looked at Bart after just seeing them once."

"Like what?" you said nervously, "I was just worried." She gave you a doubtful look.

"You called him Bart," she said tapping her foot on the ground. You opened your mouth to tell another lie but faltered as you remembered when he'd told you his name. Your eyes filled with tears and a lump rose in your throat.

You hung your head, "Your right," you whispered, "And now he's hurt, because of me." The tears began to slowly trickle down your cheeks, but for once you didn't care.

Tigress stared at you for a second after you'd said that, then she walked up to you and pulled you into a tight hug.

"I know," she whispered; there was a slight tremor in her voice. Her eyes watered as she remembered him, the first Kid Flash. It was all her fault. She closed her eyes and felt the warm tears trickle down her face as she remembered the touch of his hand to her cheek. She couldn't describe it, the pain of missing that touch. "His name was Wally," she said softly.

"I'm sorry," you said, as the tears rolling down your cheek grew cold. You sniffed and wiped them away, then gave Tigress a small sad smile." She wiped her tears and did the same. The two of you heard a cough and looked over at Blue Beetle who stood awkwardly next to you.

"Right," said Tigress, straightening up, "So what's going on."

You sighed, "Bart knows something, something that happens to me in the future." Tigress nodded, to show that she followed. "But he doesn't want anyone to know because he doesn't want me mixed up in this for some reason."

"But if you noticed," said Blu Beetle, gesturing at Tigress, "What are the chances that Batman didn't?"

"He's right," said Tigress, making her way to the door, "He probably noticed something was up. I'll have to convince him it was nothing."

"Wait!" yelled Blue beetle before she closed the door. Tigress stopped and tapped her foot impatiently.

"What?" she asked.

"You don't know the cover story," he explained.

"Then come with me," said Tigress, as she gestured for him to follow her, "You can tell me on the way."

The two of them walked out the door leaving you alone with Bart. You sat down next to him, and the tears sprang back into your eyes.

"Please be okay," you whispered, as you pressed a trembling hand to his cheek. "I love you Bart, I've loved you since I first saw you speeding through the Park on the second day of my (your/grade) year. I thought about quitting, just giving up on school and life. But when I saw you; a blur of red and yellow- You gave me the courage to go on. And ever since then, you've been my idol. I'd always dreamed of meeting you but-," you sobbed, "Now I think- I think it would be better if I hadn't met you. If you hadn't saved me that day, if- if I'd died." You buried your face in his chest and cried.

"But now," you sobbed, looking at his wounded body, "This- this is all my fault." You leaned back in the chair and buried your face in your hands. "I'm sorry," you whispered. You took one last look at him before running back to your room to be alone.

As you closed the door behind you, Bart Allen opened his eyes, he couldn't believe what he'd just heard.

Sorry that was so short, I've been having writers block, so these past few chapters have basically been whatever random garbage I can scribble down. I'm thinking about taking a break from this and writing something else to get some inspiration. A wise old man once told me that when you have writers block, the worst thing you can do is stop writing. Just kidding, my teacher told me that. But it's true. Anyway, I think this one was ok. Tell me if you liked it so far or have any suggestions.

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