Chapter 17

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Silence, for a moment that was all there was, silence. Your eyelids fluttered open and daylight flooded your vision. You blinked a few times and gradually the outline of the tall grass appeared around you.

You groaned, it felt like someone had dropped an anvil on your head. There was a rustle in the grass beside you, and you tried to stand up, but it felt like you'd broken everything all over again. You heard a groan from the other person and exerted yourself to crawl over there.

"Bart," you whispered hoarsely, you shook him by the shoulder, but he didn't respond, "Bart! Bart wake up!" He still wasn't moving, "Bart!" you coughed desperately, "Bart, please get up!" Still, he wouldn't wake up.

Tears brimmed in your eyes, as you finally gave up and collapsed next to him. Your eyelids fell closed as tears made their way down your face, "I'm sorry," your voice trembled as you whispered the words, and you realized that everything Red Robin had told you about other people's fates not being in your hands had been a lie. Once again, you had hurt someone close to you, and this time, he wasn't coming back, "Why didn't you just go?" you whispered, but in your heart, you knew why, it wasn't in his nature. You rested your head on his chest and allowed the tears to fall a little at a time.


You looked up in shock as Kid Flash sat up, rubbing the back of his head and squinting in the sunlight.

"Your alive!" you yelled, Bart nodded and smiled, still disoriented.

"What happened?" he asked drowsily. You sat back, half laughing with joy.

"I- I don't know!" you sputtered, "I heard the gun and everything just—" you were cut off by a loud bang. Bart staggered to his feet and helped you up, a few yards away, Katya was limping away as she shot at Red Robin who was coming towards her, fast. She spotted the two of you just as Red Robin caught up with her.

"This is only the beginning!" She yelled, "It's just a matter of time now." Red robin was confused for a second, which was all Katya needed to open a portal and slip through, quickly closing it behind her.

"She does portals too?" groaned Bart. You laughed, it was a small fatigued chuckle, but it helped lighten the mood.

Meanwhile Tim angrily kicked the dirt. He'd just let the woman who killed his friend get away because he'd been distracted. Who knew how long it would take to track her down. And you, if she'd shot Bart, who knows what she'd done to you. Or maybe, he thought, you were in it with her, he couldn't rule out the possibility that you were a traitor.

"Tim!" someone yelled from behind him, he turned and stared in disbelief at you and Bart standing in the grass a few yards away from him. He stood there for a second without saying anything. He'd heard the shot and seen- well he hadn't seen anything, but that wave of energy... he'd thought it had killed you, but... there the two of you stood right, in front of him.

You and Bart made an effort to limp over to him, but you were too weak. Tim saw your effort and snapped out of it. "You're alive," he said as he bounded up to you.

"Mm hmm," you nodded, he'd been right after all along, things had turned out ok. You pulled him into an abrupt hug. "You were right," you whispered, "Thank you." You pulled away from him and leaned against Bart again. You wiped a tear from your cheek, you weren't sure if it was a delayed reaction, but you were crying, either out of joy or shock.

Tim smiled softly, once again forgetting that you were a possible threat, he was just happy that you were alive, "I thought you guys were-," he couldn't finish the sentence without tears welling in his eyes, "What happened?"

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