Chapter 14

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You went straight over to your bed and grabbed the tissue box from the side table.

"I have to get out of here," you sobbed into the tissue, "I ruin everything." You blew your nose and walked over to the mirror and wiped the tears from your eyes so that no one could tell you'd been crying. You groaned at your red nose, there was no way to make that go away. You sniffed and plopped down on your bed to wait. As soon as your nose looked normal you were going to get someone to get you out of here.

You heard a knock at your door. You looked up; you weren't sure whether or not you should open it.

"Who is it?" you yelled in the most normal voice possible. It still trembled a little, but it was the best you could do at the moment.

"It's Red Robin," yelled Tim from the other side of the door, "May I come in?" There was no answer. You felt a relapse coming on, and if you talked, it was going to start.

Tim jiggled the door handle, "Hello?" he yelled, getting worried when you didn't answer. The door was unlocked so he opened it and stepped inside. You looked up, surprised, but quickly looked down to hide your face. "Um, hi," he said awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot.

You took a deep breath and looked up slightly, "Hi," you said, blinking away the tears in your eyes and standing up. You tried to casually keep your head down, but failed miserably.

Red Robin stood in front of you, unsure of what to say. He had originally come in here to ask you some questions about who you were, and what you knew, that was obviously out of the question now. 'I should probably leave,' he thought as he began to turn around. Then he heard you sit on your bed and let out a sniffle and something told him to stay.

"Are you ok?" he asked walking up to you. He hesitated for a moment then gently placed his hand on your shoulder. You froze for a second when he touched you; you weren't used to random people touching you. You shifted awkwardly, and when he didn't seem to notice that you were uncomfortable, you stood up and walked over to the window.

"I'm fine," you answered, trying your best to feign cheerfulness, "Everything's fine." Your voice cracked slightly with the last word. You swallowed, "Why do you ask?"

Tim sighed; apparently you didn't know that he was the world's greatest detective, well, besides Batman, "I don't know," he said, "You just seemed kind of upset."

You felt a lump in your throat as the tears rushed into your eyes, "No," you whispered, barely holding back your tears, "I'm-," You bit your lip, unable to continue.

Before Red Robin knew what was happening you were embracing him in a tight hug. He stood stock still for a moment, unsure of what to do; now it was his turn to feel uncomfortable. He looked at the tearstained face leaning on his shoulder and his heart reached out to you, causing him to forget his awkwardness. Without a word, he returned the gesture, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close to him. You rested your head on his chest and heard his heart beat, soft and melodious. A trembling sigh escaped your lips and the tears stopped, melting away with his warmth. You closed your eyes and just listened, listened to the sound of his heart beat as he held you tight. Somehow, you felt you could trust him.

"I need you yo get me out of here," you whispered, as if anything you said or did could break the spell. Tim felt a pang in his heart as he gently played with your hair. He had come here to uncover your identity, not- he opened his eyes and looked down at you. What was he doing? He let go of you and slowly began to back away; you looked up at him confused.

"(Y/n)," he began apologetically, "I-," Suddenly the door squeaked open and the two of you jumped in surprise. In the doorway stood Tigress, Blue Beetle, and Batman.

"Red Robin," said Batman, as Tigress and Blue Beetle walked into the room, "A word." Tim nodded, looking back at you as he walked out the door.

"Bruce," he began once they were outside, "It's not what you-,"

"Did you find out who she is?" interrupted Bruce.

"What?" asked Tim, caught off guard, "Oh, yeah, right." He glanced guiltily at the door, unsure of what to say. He took deep breath and sighed as he turned back to Batman, "She's clear." Batman gave him a look of doubt. "She's just an average girl who got dragged into this," said Tim. Batman nodded and Tim walked away down the Hall. He knew you were hiding something, but he sensed that there was a good reason, and he was going to find out. He took off into a run, eager to get to work, unaware that he was followed by Batman's suspicious gaze.

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