Chapter 11

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Red Robin sighed, that could've gone a whole lot smoother. He grunted as he picked you up; you were a lot heavier than you looked. He swiftly made his way behind the house and into the jet.

"Do you have the girl?" asked Kaldur.

"Right here," Tim answered, setting you down on one of the seats. Kaldur nodded at Miss Martian and the bio-ship took off.

"(Y/n)!" groaned Kid Flash, looking at you in alarm. "Is she alright?" he asked Red Robin.

"She'll be out for a while," said Tim as he took a seat next to you, "But she'll be fine, she's pretty strong." He rubbed his hand; it still hurt from when you'd bitten him. He looked at you and kept back a laugh; your face looked angry even when you slept.

"What about you?" asked M'gann, gesturing to Kid Flash's wounds, "What happened to you?"

"(y/n) got kidnapped by bad guys who wanted her for some nefarious purpose and I rescued her," he said.

"But how'd you get torn up so bad?" asked Beast Boy, "I thought getting away was your thing."

"They uh, must have developed new tech," he lied.

"Well," interjected Aqualad, we can bandage you up, but we can't do much until we get to the watchtower.

Bart nodded at Kaldur, and was quiet for the rest of the trip. He was lost in thought; he wasn't sure if he should tell his team everything. He trusted them, but...

He decided not to think about it. There was no way he could make a clear choice in this state. He felt like he was being pierced over and over again with daggers. Tears welled in his eyes, it hurt so bad. But seeing you, alive and well made it all worth it. He smiled and took a deep breath, shivering with pain and relief, stress and gratitude. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, then let the breath out and fell asleep.

"Does anyone know who she is?" asked Red Robin.

"I don't think Bart has ever mentioned her before," said Kaldur.

"Weird," said M'gann, "He usually talks about everything."

"Yeah," said Red Robin dismissively, "Bu why her?"

"What do you mean?" asked Kaldur.

"I mean," said Tim, not taking his eyes off you, "Why would they choose to kidnap her of all people?"

"I dunno," said Beast Boy, "They probably just grabbed whoever they could find."

"No," Tim shook his head, "You heard Bart, they're too high tech for that." He looked at your troubled face, "They must have had some reason for targeting her; something special." He was quiet for a second, and his face was thoughtful.

"Guys!" interrupted Blue Beetle; everyone looked up from their thoughts, "Wasn't the last Kid Flash known for being well, kind of flirtatious?"

"Yes," answered Conner M'gann and Kaldur in unison.

"Well then, it makes sense that these people would use her," he said gesturing towards you, "As bate to lure Kid Flash to them so that they could kill him."

"Makes sense," said Conner, everyone else nodded, except for Tim, who continued to stare at you thoughtfully until he fell asleep.

"Red, Red Robin, Red Robin!" yelled someone. Tim awoke with a start, and looked around to see Beast Boy standing in front of him.

"We're here," said Beast Boy, gesturing to the door of the bioship. Red Robin rubbed his eyes and looked at the seat next to him.

"(Y/n)!" he yelled bolting upright, "Where's (y/n)?"

"Whoa, chill dude," said Beast Boy, "Who is- Oh, the girl! Superboy just took her into the hall."

Tim sighed in relief, then stood up. He had to do some investigating, and talk to Batman. "Thanks Beast Boy," he said before leaving the ship.

"No problem," called Beast Boy from inside the jet. But Robin was already gone.

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