Chapter 16

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"Bart," you whispered sleepily as the two of you lay side by side gazing up at the stars.

"Yeah," he replied, glancing at you.

"I love you."

"I love me too, (y/n)"

You laughed sleepily and punched his shoulder, "I'm serious!"

"I know, I know!" he said rubbing his shoulder, "I love you too, (y/n)."

"Then can you promise me something?"

"Sure anything."

"Promise me," you yawned, "since we'll be working together."

"Uh huh,"

"Promise me that, if we ever get into trouble, which we most likely will," you said, and Bart nodded in agreement, "You'll leave me behind and save yourself."

"What no!" he yelled, sitting up abruptly, "I can't do that!"

You propped yourself up on your elbow, "You said anything!"

"Yeah, but not that!"

"Anything, Bart," you said impatiently.

"(Y/n)-," he protested, "I could never leave you."

"And I could never watch you die," you whispered, pressing your hand to his cheek, "You said anything."

"(Y/n) ..."

"Anything, Bart."

He sighed and laid his head back down, "Fine," he said. You sighed in relief.

"I love you, Bart, so much,"

"I love you too," he said, but at the same time he wondered whether you were serious or not. Hopefully you would forget by morning, but if you didn't, he knew that was one promise he would never be able to keep.

A few minutes later a shooting star flew above you, "Bart!" you exclaimed, but he was already asleep. You thought about waking him, but he looked so peaceful. You kissed him goodnight and made a wish on that star, a wish for you and Bart, then you fell asleep beneath the soft glow of the stars.


It was 2:00 in the morning, a loud sigh escaped Tim's mouth as he hung upside down from his bed in Wayne Manor. After Bart had arrived he'd quietly slipped out of the room and gone straight home where he'd locked himself in his room and ignored all the calls Cassie made.

"Auggggh!" he groaned, collapsing on the floor, "What is wrong with me?"

"This is ridiculous!" he said to no one in particular, "Completely ridiculous!" He sat up, "I don't even know her! For all I know she could be a security risk to the entire team!" He made his way to the door and peeked out. There was no one in sight so he slowly began to tiptoe to the kitchen.

"And what about Cassie!" he grumbled, "She's gonna kill me for not answering her calls!" He groaned as he flipped the kitchen light on.

"Still up Tim?"

"Aagh!" Tim yelled, whirling around in a fighting stance. But when he saw who it was he relaxed, "Oh, Bruce," he sighed, "Don't do that! I thought you were asleep."

"Crime doesn't sleep," said Bruce Wayne, who sat at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee in his hand, "And neither do I."

"Right. I guess I'll just be going then," said Tim, in no mood to talk to anyone at the present moment, "Back to my room."

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