Chapter 10

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"Please hurry," you whispered.

"What the heck did he do?" commented Red Robin as they flew over the ambulances and police cars in the camouflaged bio-ship.

"Something stupid," answered Blue Beetle, after which he yelled, "No! They're the paramedics!" Everyone stared at him for a second. He flashed them a sheepish grin, "Sorry guys," he said nervously.

"I just hope Bart's okay," said M'gann, her voice was full of concern. She turned around to face her younger teammates, "He sounded pretty shaken when he contacted Kaldur."

"I'm sure he's fine," said Superboy, placing his hand on her shoulder. They looked into each other's eyes for a second, and M'gann seemed to be reassured. "He can take care of himself," he continued.

"You're right, Connor," she said, and went back to piloting, then turned around again, "But we do have all our first aid equipment, right?"

"All here, sis," said Beast Boy, patting the huge bags of medical supplies next to him. M'gann sighed with relief, and then turned around again.

"Put the ship down next to the barn," instructed Kaldur, who was once again team leader, "And be careful with the livestock." M'gann nodded and landed the ship.

"So who goes in?" asked Beast Boy, obviously eager to go on a mission.

"I'm sending in Red Robin-," Kaldur began.

"Yum!" sang Beast Boy. Red Robin glared at him, "Hehe, sorry," he laughed nervously, "Carry on, Aqualad."

"As I was saying," Continued Kaldur indignantly, "I'm sending in Red Robin and Superboy."

"Aw man!" whined Beast Boy, making his tail droop.

"Better luck next time, Gar," said Superboy, patting him on the back before leaving the ship. He and Red Robin quickly made their way through the shadows to the house and Red Robin scanned for a heat signature.

"There's only one," he said, showing Superboy the scan. "It's up there," he pointed to a room on the second floor of the house.

Superboy nodded, "Got it," he said, then jumped onto the roof and opened the window.

"It's okay," Red Robin muttered sarcastically to himself, "I can walk." He ran over to the house and scaled the wall with a grappling hook. 'On three,' he mouthed, using his fingers to count, 'one, two,-'

"Guys?" someone yelled from inside, causing Red Robin to lose his balance.

"Guys is that you?" yelled Bart from inside.

"Of course it's us!" whispered Red Robin, jumping in and brushing himself off, "Maybe you should learn the meaning of the word stealth!" he ranted.

"You scared the pants off of Red Robin," commented Superboy as he swung through the window. Bart laughed, wincing in pain as he did so.

"Are you okay?" asked Red Robin, once he had recovered from his embarrassment.

"I'll make it," said Bart, then he added, "Were you guys singing just a second ago?"

"No," answered Superboy, "Why?"

"Oh, nothing, I just thought I heard someone singing, that's all," he said thoughtfully.

"It was probably a dream," said Red Robin, "Now let's get you out of here." Superboy started to pick him up, when he yelled.

"Wait (y/n)!"

"Who?" asked Superboy.

"She's this girl I met...," he began explaining, before he saw his teammates' clueless faces, "I'll explain later, just go get her!"

Superboy nodded to Red Robin who headed down the stairs to retrieve you, while Superboy brought Bart back to the ship.

On his way down the stairs, Tim Drake AKA Red Robin, encountered a problem, two of them in fact, and they were headed his way. Men in hazmat suits were scanning the house with something or other, and they were nearly at the foot of the stairs.

He thought quickly and used a batarang to attach himself to the roof. He was out of sight by the time they got up the stairs. He held his breath as they passed below him; one of them paused for a second.

"Did you hear something Josh?" he asked his partner. Tim tensed and tried to keep his breathing normal.

"It's nothing," his partner said, and they kept moving. Once they had turned the corner, Tim let out the breath he had been holding in and dropped to the ground. He made his way down the stairs and peeked through the front window. You were standing near the road, next to at least ten paramedics. Well, he could kiss stealth goodbye, or... He looked at the smoke grenades on his belt.


You stood outside, knowing that you were running out of time. Your mind was racing, trying to find some solution to your problem. You thought about making a break for it, but you were surrounded. You wouldn't make it a foot without getting caught, but you were all out of time and options.

You took a deep breath, trying to keep yourself from panicking. It wasn't working. You breathed rapidly in and out pondering different escape routes. Then you saw it, a clear path to an open police car; you could drive a little, then ditch it somewhere, and get away. You drew I one more shaky breath. It was now or never, you made a break for it. The world seemed to slow down, and all you could hear was the sound of your own heartbeat as you ran. You were almost at the car, when suddenly smoke whirled past you. You began to cough as you stumbled blindly around through the grey fogginess of the smoke screen. You should have reached the car by now.

You stumbled around, confused, trying to get some sense of direction. You couldn't figure out what had happened. Had there been an explosion of some sort? You fell into another fit of coughing and tripped on a rock. You fell on your right leg, which hadn't fully healed yet.

"Aghh!" you cried out in pain. You gritted your teeth and closed your eyes, trying to distract from the pain. That's when a hand clapped over your mouth, your eyes flashed open, but the person was behind you. You tried to scream but his grip was too tight; you inhaled through your nose, trying to breathe; his hand smelled like cleaning products.

You were pretty sure he was wearing gloves, or some kind of cloth over his hand, but this was still going to hurt him. You bit down on his hand, hard. He yelled in pain, but he still didn't let go. You bit down harder and kicked him in the shins. Finally, he let go for a second.

"Ow!" he yelled in pain. You took your chance to escape. The smoke was clearing, so you started to run, but you only took a few steps before falling to the ground. It hadn't been cleaning products on his hand, it was chloroform.

You looked up drowsily and saw a masked boy walk up to you.

"Stay away," you whispered, struggling to stay awake, but you couldn't fight it, the dark of unconsciousness closed in and overtook you.

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