Chapter 9

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You bit your lip and held back tears, as you walked down the hall, away from Bart's room. You should have said something to him, at least a goodbye, but you had been too afraid; too scared to let him see you like that. You had promised not to talk to him again, and you'd already broken that promise. You thought about turning back, but it was too late.

You shook the tears away and inched down the stairs, trying to come up with a plan and failing miserably. You could hear the sirens getting closer; you only had a few minutes to come up with something.

"Looks like I'm going to have to wing it," you mumbled as you reached the bottom step. You took a deep breath; the sirens were in front of the house now. You stepped outside and examined your audience. The farmer and his wife stood talking to someone, and the paramedics were preparing to go into the house.

"Ahem," you cleared your throat. No one heard you, "Ahem!" you coughed louder. The paramedics looked up from their work. Their was an awkward silence, everyone was staring at you wondering what the heck you were doing. You didn't even know what you were doing. "Umm," you had never had stage fright before, but then, you had never faced possible arrest to keep the paramedics away from your injured friend. There's a first time for everything, you thought. 

You looked out on the sea of perplexed paramedic faces, you felt like you were going to puke. "Okay," you whispered trying to calm your bowels. Then it clicked, an idea just popped into your head. It always worked in the movies, you just hoped you could pull it off. You ran up to the farmer, grabbed his phone, put on some music and started singing, "Each time we have a quarrel, it almost breaks my heart.Cause I'm so afraid that we will have to part," If anything, your audience only looked more confused. Still, they hadn't gotten inside yet.

"Each night I ask the stars up above," you continued, desperately hoping that Bart's team would get their soon, "Why must I be a teenager in love?" You saw the head paramedic walk up to the farmer.

"Is she yours?" he asked. The farmer shook his head no.

"She's one of the ones we found," the farmers wife continued. Her face and voice showed her eminent concern, "She seemed fine just a few minutes ago."

"Hmm," the paramedic responded, obviously not believing this. From what he could tell, you obviously had a concussion. "We'll check on her," he said, gesturing for two of the paramedics to grab you.

You saw them coming toward you, 'new plan,' you thought. "Wait!" you yelled as they grabbed you and the rest of them started filing into the house. They paid no attention to you this time, "I wouldn't go in there if I were you," you yelled. 

'Why no," one of the ones dragging you away asked, earning a glare from his fellow paramedic.

"Because," you began suspense fully, or at least that's how you tried to make it sound. You were really still trying to think of what to say, "Because the boy and I just escaped from a toxic waste facility!" The two paramedics stopped dead in their tracks. They looked at you trying to discern whether you were serious or not. You nodded at them, trying to look as scared as possible. You even forced tears into your eyes.

"And," you continued," they were planning on experimenting on us with exotic diseases!" The paramedics ,looked at each other and nodded.

"Just to be safe," one of them said, "Before radioing to the rest to get out of the house and check for radiation first. You sighed with relief.

"I hate you Bart," you whispered.

"What was that?" asked the paramedic.

"Nothing," you said, giving him an innocent smile. He nodded suspiciously and went back to work. You felt the wind get stronger for a second, it whipped your (h/l) (h/c) hair across your face. You looked up, hoping to see some kind of super jet, but there was nothing. 

"Please hurry," you whispered, meaning the team. There wasn't much else you could do except wait.


Sorry that was so short, and kind of stupid and pointless. I was having writers block, plus I was in an art camp for this whole week. But I'll try to do better on the next chapter. Hopefully I'll get some Ideas.

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