Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Beast Boy hurried over to the Zeta tube after leaving the Bio ship. "Recognized, Beast Boy, (I don't know what his designation is, sorry)," a voice said as he hurried into the watchtower where the rest of the team was already debriefing.

"What took so long Gar?" asked M'gann, as the rest of the team started walking away.

"Red Robin sleeps, like a log," panted Beast Boy.

"So does she," said Conner as he walked by, carrying the still unconscious you.

"She should wake up soon," yelled Tim over his shoulder. He nodded at Batman then walked over to the team, "How's Bart?" he asked.

"They just took him to get treated," said M'gann, her face took on a worried expression.

"Red Tornado said that he should be fine," said Conner with a reassuring smile.

"He's a speedster. He'll be alright," added Beast Boy.

M'gann smiled, "Well, I have to go help Cassie bake, thanks guys," she said, then flew away.

"Aren't you going with her?" Superboy asked Tim.

"Why?" Tim responded in a confused tone.

"To see Cassie,"

"Oh yeah," said Tim. Now that he thought about it, he probably should've gone to see her, but he had work to do. "I can't right now," he said, heading towards the zeta tube, "I have work to do."

Superboy nodded as Red Robin walked into the tube. He sighed, it was just him, and you, but you were unconscious. He walked over to the Medical Bay and put you in the room next to Bart's.

As he set you down on your bed he paused to look out the window. He didn't usually look at the stars, he wasn't the sappy type. But lately he'd been doing it every time he passed a window, it wasn't because of the stars , it was because of M'gann. He was so happy that they were back together, that after all they'd been through, she'd come back to him. He let a small happy sigh escape his lips, then he turned to leave the room.

"Why did you kidnap me?" a shaky voice asked from behind him. Superboy turned around to see you sitting up in bed behind him.

You sat there, trying to seem intimidating, but you were shaking all over. You looked at the boy closely; he wasn't the same one who'd taken you earlier. He was slightly older looking and taller. Still, you knew you had to be cautious.

"Who are you?" you yelled. The boy walked up to you and you saw his shirt. It had an S on it like Superman. "Wait," you said, before the boy could answer you, "You're Superboy, I've seen you on the news."

He nodded and smiled, "Yeah," he said, holding out his hand for you to shake it. You smiled back at him and shook his hand.

"What happened?" you asked, "Where's Bart? Did you get to him in time?"

"Calm down," said Superboy, "Bart's going to be fine; we got him here in time." You sighed with relief. "In regards to what happened," continued Superboy, "Kid Flash called us to pick him up, and we had to take you in the process. Red Robin said it was necessary to knock you out. Sorry about that." He said with an apologetic laugh.

"It's fine," you said quietly. Why had they taken you with them? It would've been easier to just take Bart, but they'd gone out of their way to grab you. You smiled, Bart. He must've told them to do it. It was sweet of him, sure, but it really messed with your plans of not seeing him again.

"Are you feeling alright?" asked Superboy.

"I'm fine," you answered quietly, you were kind of embarrassed for calling him a kidnapper.

"Good," he said, "Batman's going to need to speak with you later, but I suggest you rest for a while.

You smiled and nodded, "Thanks Superboy."

He smiled at you and left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Wow," you said, looking out the window and into space. It was beautiful, you couldn't believe that anyone could live up here, it felt so weird. But Bart probably went up here almost every day.

You realized that once again, your train of thought had led back to Bart. You shook your head, as if you could shake the thoughts away. If you ever wanted to let go, you would have to stop thinking about him.

"Why me?" you yelled, burying your face in your pillow dramatically. You tried to sleep, but you couldn't, so you decided to sneak out to break your promise to yourself and see Bart.    

"Wow, I'm such a flake," you said to yourself as you walked, down the hall. You couldn't even keep a resolution for a day, and now, you were completely lost in a giant space station.

"Great," you said plopping down to rest for a moment. You'd figured Bart would be in the room next to yours or something, but he wasn't. So you'd set off to find him, figuring it wouldn't be that hard. That had been a huge mistake. Now that you thought about it, he probably just hadn't been moved to hi room yet. You sighed and stood up. Now you had to find your way back to your room.

You were trying to retrace your steps through the seemingly endless hallway, when you collided with someone as you rounded the corner.

"Shut up!" the person yelled. You looked up to see who it was, getting up from his fall was blue beetle. He looked at you and quickly said, "Sorry, I didn't mean-," he paused and stared at you for a second. "(Y/n)?" he said in a confused tone. You were about to say something when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a closet.

"What was that?" you yelled. You didn't care if he was a superhero, this was just plain rude.

"Shhhh!" he whispered, then covered your mouth before you could yell anything else, "(Y/n) what are you doing out here?" You pointed to his hand, and he let go so that you could respond.

"Looking for Bart," you whispered, "And how do you know my name?" you asked suspiciously.

"Bart told me," he answered quickly. He checked outside nervously, "Listen, you can't be out here by yourself."

"Why not?" you asked, it didn't seem dangerous to you.

"Because," he said, searching for an answer. He sighed, "Listen, if you want the truth, Bart is from the future, and he was trying to stop something from happening to you, and that's why he kept dropping bye."

"Oh," you said, a bit disappointed that the only reason Bart had visited you was because of that meta- whatever it was. "But that still doesn't explain why I can't be out here.

"Listen," said Blue Beetle, "As far as everyone else knows, you're a hostage. Just some random victim of a kidnapping. If you talk to anyone without me or Bart around, they're going to find out."

"Why can't they find out?" you whispered curiously.

"Because Bart doesn't want them to find out. Because if they find out about the metagene there's more of a chance that you'll get mixed up in this crazy supervillian business, and that's the last thing he wants right now."

You nodded your head and the two of you quietly slipped out of the broom closet and back to your room, where you waited quietly, figuring out a cover story with Blue Beetle and trying to wrap your head around the situation.

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