Chapter 23

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Bart drew in a sharp breath as he surveyed the room around them, knowing that what they were about to do was risky. He felt a pat on his back and turned to see Tim behind him, "Don't worry," said Tim, "This is going to work."

Bart nodded, it had to work, the future, his future and yours, depended on it. He wasn't afraid to risk his life for this plan, but as he reviewed it over and over in his head, he began to have second thoughts, what about the lives of his friends? He looked around, wondering if it was worth their lives.

"Hey," Tim said, as if reading his mind, "We're all taking a risk here, for (y/n)."

Bart drew in another deep breath, glad that his friends were willing to take the risk for you with him, but still hesitant. The importance of saving you was impressed so deeply on his mind that it almost felt selfish to pull anyone else into this mess. He felt like because it was his fault, it was his mistake, and his job to fix it. "Guys," he said, hanging his head as they turned to face him, "I just—" he sighed, "I'm sorry you got dragged into all this," he gestured around him, "It was my mess and I should've fixed it, on my own."

Nightwing turned away from where he stood placing bombs on all the supports, he put a hand on his shoulder and bent to his height, "You know," he said, "That's what a lot of the founding members of this team thought at first. They kept their problems a secret until it got pretty crazy," Bart hung his head, "But even then, when they turned to each other, it all worked out," he walked back to the pillar and said, "I believe in you kid."

The next few seconds were a blur there was a blinding explosion, and everyone held onto Bart as he used all his strength to vibrate, faster than he'd ever gone before, and then silence. Bart opened his eyes that had been squeezed shut the entire time to a cloud of dust rising through the air and collapsed on the ground.

"Bart!" Nightwing and Robin yelled in unison as he tumbled over a heap of rubble.

"Bart!" Nightwing tried to shake him awake, "Bart get up! Come on!"

Tim's face grew pale, "Is he-?" Nightwing bent over to check his pulse.

"Guys?" a weak voice coughed.

"Bart!" they looked down to discover that his eyes were open and squinting at the sun, "Bart are you alright?" Dick scrambled to help him up.

Bart smiled weakly as he got to his feet, "I'm really hungry."

Dick breathed a sigh of relief, that was normal for a speedster at least, "Come on," he said, helping Bart to walk, "I've got some snacks back by our motorcycles."


"Jaime, you can't let them—"

"I got it," he nodded the look on your face told him exactly what to do. He held onto you and blew the door down and welded it shut behind you, sealing you in.

"(y/n)!" Conner stood up from where he sat, across from Megan. He instinctively ran over to the door to reinforce it in case of someone battering it open, "What's wrong?" he asked turning to you.

You didn't answer him, you felt like you were paralyzed with fear, "Superboy," you said his name before going tumbling into his arms, and sobbing.

M'gann stood up and walked over to you, pulling both you and Conner into a hug, "It's gonna be okay," she said. She released you and put a hand on your shoulder, "What's going on (y/n)?"

You took a deep shaky breath, "Someone's breaking into the tower," you said, "I think they're here for me."

"Why would they be—" M'gann started asking.

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